原廠名稱:Breadboard Canvas
Product Description:
Breadboards are the most common platform for learning and building circuits of all size, but can impact the longevity of your test setup if they are integrated permanently into a test device. The Breadboard Canvas is a replaceable physical interface for the Analog Discovery Studio centered around a large breadboardable area. In a lab setting or at home where the Analog Discovery Studio will get lots use with multiple projects, the Breadboard Canvases can be easily replaced or swapped out for multiple projects via the magnetic interface. This provides a convenient way to demonstrate multiple projects without having to disassemble circuits or share the device between multiple students where they each have their own Canvas. If the breadboard, integrated switches buttons or LEDs get damaged, the Canvas can quickly and easily be replaced protecting the long term investment in the Analog Discovery Studio. The Breadboard Canvas features a large breadboardable surface with two regular sized solderless breadboards appropriate for medium to large circuits. Two small breadboards provide connection to the six available power supplies (3.3V, 5V, ±12V, and ± variable), and connections to the included I/O. Two switches, LEDs, and buttons have been included on the Breadboard Canvas to provide these typically hard to breadboard components with an easy-to-use interface. Each of the power supplies can be switched on and off via slide switches to make powering off and on circuits as convenient as possible. Power supply status is indicated by the power indicator LEDs. This is the same Breadboard Canvas that is included with the Analog Discovery Studio.
DIGILENT 為 NI (National Instruments)的子公司,自2000年成立以來持續為工程師、研究人員、科學家和學生提供成本最佳化的產品、工具和應用訊息。基於 FPGA 和 SoC 的創新軟硬體系統,提供優惠且靈活的解決方案。 具有競爭力的售價、便於攜帶的產品與充足的應用文件,提供初學者最佳的可用性。 Digilent 總部位於華盛頓州普爾曼,在三大洲設有辦事處、研發和製造機構,以及廣泛的全球經銷網路,能快速且高效率提供您所需的產品。
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