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LEXUS 凌志 2代 RX 3代 GS 2代 IS LX 日本DENSO 原廠 流量計 MAF 222040P010

商品編號:P6691409710878 原始貨號:P6691409710878
$ 1,100
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LEXUS凌志 2代RX 3代GS 2代IS LX 日本DENSO原廠外匯流量計MAF 222040P010 料號: OEN 22204-0H010 — TOYOTA OEN 22204-0P010 — TOYOTA OEN 22204-0T010 — TOYOTA OEN 22204-31010 — TOYOTA OEN 22204-31020 — TOYOTA 適用車型: LEXUS LEXUS RX II (XU30) (Year of Construction 04.2003 - 12.2008, 204 - 276 PS, Petrol, Petrol/Electro) LEXUS GS III (S19) (Year of Construction 04.2005 - 12.2012, 231 - 347 PS, Petrol, Petrol/Electro) LEXUS IS II Saloon (XE20) (Year of Construction 08.2005 - 04.2013, 150 - 423 PS, Diesel, Petrol) LEXUS IS C (XE20) (Year of Construction 04.2009 - ..., 208 - 318 PS, Petrol) LEXUS LX (J100) (Year of Construction 05.1998 - 03.2008, 231 - 275 PS, Petrol)