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EK DDC 4.2 PWM 幫浦 PUMP 水冷 泵 EK原廠出貨,品質保證 全新改款,使用SATA電源接頭 揚呈5.2m 流量1000L/h,可克服各種水路 EK原廠保固兩年 現貨供應中 規格: Technical Specifications: - Dimensions (W x D x H): 90 x 62 x 38mm - Motor: Electronically commuted ball bearing motor - Rated voltage: 12V DC - Power consumption: 18W - Maximum head pressure: up to 5.2m - Maximum flow rate: up to 1000L/h - Maximum liquid temperature: 60°C - Materials: Stainless steel, PPS-GF40, EPDM O-rings, Aluminium oxide, hard coal - Power connector: SATA power and 4-Pin PWM FAN connector for PWM / RPM readout