復刻Mercy Supply Co. waxed canvas vest Waxed canvas is a 100% cotton material that has been impregnated with natural waxes top to bottom. This increases resistance to wind, water and cooler temperatures. The work vest features a tilted chest pocket for easy access and deep hand pockets that are sure to keep your belongings from falling out. Each raw copper rivet is backed with a leather washer to increase durability. We recommend measuring a good fitting garment against our sizing chart when choosing which size will fit you best. 面料上選用了來自英國約克夏的百年防水蠟棉品牌 The British Millerain Co. Ltd.British Millerain 所生產的防水蠟棉堪稱全球最頂級的蠟棉,這樣的蠟棉材質在乾燥時可以防止汙垢的附著,同時也具有防水的功能。130年來 British Millerain 不斷持續研發更輕、更防水且更具質感的防水蠟棉,發展至今已經廣泛的運用於各項產品之中,除了服飾以外,包包配件及鞋款都可以看到British Millerain防水蠟棉的使用。多數時候,油蠟產品使用年限到達頂點之後,第一個壞的都是其本身的配件所以使用了與美國油蠟大廠filson一樣粗獷配置,並將所有配件換成純銅,在後續的使用年限中不會出現配件老化的情形。WAXED CANVAS CAREWaxed canvas can go several years without being cleaned and requires little care. Do not wash. Do not dry clean. Hose it off if needed or spot clean with a damp cloth, then hang it to dry. Re-wax if needed.建議補蠟已補乾蠟為主凡是於本賣場購買的油蠟產品,皆可享有免費上蠟服務保固(運費與蠟須自理)S肩寬41 胸圍98 衣長62M肩寬42 胸圍102 衣長63L肩寬43 胸圍106 衣長65XL肩寬44 胸圍110 衣長672XL肩寬45 胸圍114 衣長68