原廠名稱:myParts Kit from Texas Instruments: Companion Parts Kit for NI myDAQ
SKU: 6002-240-001
Product Description
Whether you are getting started or a long time engineer picking a selection of parts to stock a lab can be a daunting task. Parts Kits provide a useful selection of parts to help get started. Get your students quickly involved in building essential electronic circuits using myParts Kit supported by the Texas Instruments® University Program. The set of key components in the myParts Kit encourages hands-on experimentation with breadboards of basic circuitry, helping to make learning productive and enjoyable for beginners and more advanced students alike. Hobbyists and independent developers will also find the kit useful for investigating their design concepts. The kit comes with a collection of parts that are the building blocks of all electronics, including op-amps, an instrumentation amplifier, a comparator, voltage regulators, switching regulators, digital logic gates, timers, temperature sensors, data converters, transistors, resistors, capacitors, LEDs, switches, a wiring kit and more. myParts Kit enables your students to run experiments that help them understand real-life applications in areas such as power management, audio amplification, spinning motors, light detection, signal conditioning, and telecommunications to name a few. Projects that can be built with the kit include: Inverting and non-inverting amplifiers Filters Voltage followers Regulators Signal conditioning Pulse-width modulated (PWM) signal generators Integrators Differentiators Light detectors Data converters ...and many others. The kit is a great compliment to the Analog Discovery, Analog Discovery Studio, NI myDAQ and ELVIS tools for hands-on learning both inside and outside of the lab. Students can use the simulation software that is already available in school to simulate results before building their circuits. In addition, if your school uses NI Multisim, you have the capability of pulling many of these TI devices into a design.
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