原廠品名:JTAG-SMT4: Surface-mount Programming Module
The Joint Test Action Group (JTAG)-SMT4 is a compact, complete, and fully self-contained surface-mount programming module for Xilinx field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs). The module can be accessed directly from all Xilinx Tools, including Vivado, and Vitis. Users can load the module directly onto a target board and reflow it like any other component. The JTAG-SMT4 uses a 3.3V main power supply (VDD) and an independent Vref supply to drive the JTAG signals. All JTAG signals use high speed 24mA three-state buffers that allow signal voltages from 1.8V to 3.3V, and bus speeds up to 30MBit/sec. The UART signals are driven directly by the USB controller (referenced to the 3.3V VDD supply) and support bus speeds up to 12Mbaud. The JTAG bus can be shared with other devices as the SMT4 signals are held at high impedance, except when actively driven during programming. The SMT4 module is CE certified and fully compliant with EU RoHS and REACH directives. The module routes the USB D+ (DP) and D- (DM) signals out to pads, providing the system designer with the ability to choose the type of USB connector and its location on the system board. Small, complete, all-in-one JTAG programming/debugging solution for Xilinx FPGAs with UART side channel Compatible with Xilinx Tools (Vivado/Vitis 2020.1 or newer required) Three independent UART channels each supporting bus speeds up to 12Mbaud Each UART has transmit and receive LEDs High-Speed USB 2.0 port that can drive JTAG bus up to 30Mbit/sec (frequency settable by user) Open drain buffers allow PS_SRST_B and PS_POR_B pins to perform software-based resets of Xilinx’s Zynq® platform Quad channel USB controller provides simultaneous access to both JTAG and UART interfaces Onboard buffers allow JTAG signals to operate at voltages from 1.8V to 3.3V Small form-factor surface-mount module can be directly loaded on target boards USB D+ and D- signals routed to pads, allowing USB connector to be placed anywhere on the host PCB VBUS_DETECT pin allows for reduced current consumption when the module isn’t connected to a PC
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