品名:MCC 128: Voltage Measurement DAQ HAT for Raspberry Pi
1.6069-410-000 : MCC 118 12-bit
2.6069-410-001-MCC 128 16-bit +樹莓派 Raspberry Pi 4 Model B|8GB 開發板 組合
3.6069-410-001-MCC 128
4.Raspberry Pi 4 Model B|8GB
Digilent is now a proud distributor of Measurement Computing Corporation (MCC) DAQ and data logging products. MCC is a leading supplier of data acquisition solutions that are easy-to-use, easy-to-integrate, and easy-to-support.
The MCC 118 and MCC 128 DAQ HATs feature eight channels of analog voltage measurement for Raspberry Pi-based data acquisition systems. Each device has a maximum sample rate of 100 kS/s for taking single point or waveform voltage measurements. Up to eight MCC HATs can be stacked onto one Raspberry Pi - providing up to 64 channels of data and a maximum throughput of 320 kS/s.
MCC 128 features 16-bit resolution and 8 SE/ 4 DIFF analog inputs with the following input ranges (+/-10 V, +/-5 V, +/-2 V, +/-1 V).
All DAQ HATs include C/C++® and Python™ examples and an open-source library. Comprehensive API and hardware documentation are also provided.
There are five devices in the MCC DAQ HAT Series. Models are available with voltage inputs, thermocouple inputs, IEPE-based sensor inputs, analog outputs, and digital I/O allowing users to configure multifunction, Raspberry Pi-based data logger solutions.
OEM versions of the MCC 118 and MCC 128 with (unpopulated) header connectors instead of screw terminals are available. Please contact our sales department by submitting a form for purchasing information.
樹莓派 Raspberry Pi 是由英國樹莓派基金會(Raspberry Pi Foundation)於 2012 年所推出的單板電腦(SBC, Single Board Computer),基於 ARM 架構,採用 Linux 系統(如:Debian、ArchLinux),大小只有一張信用卡大。
Raspberry Pi 4 和之前的版本最大的改變是多了 1GB/2GB/4GB/8GB 的記憶體版本可供選擇!本商品組合搭配為 Pi4 8GB 版。
DIGILENT 為 NI (National Instruments)的子公司,自2000年成立以來持續為工程師、研究人員、科學家和學生提供成本最佳化的產品、工具和應用訊息。基於 FPGA 和 SoC 的創新軟硬體系統,提供優惠且靈活的解決方案。 具有競爭力的售價、便於攜帶的產品與充足的應用文件,提供初學者最佳的可用性。 Digilent 總部位於華盛頓州普爾曼,在三大洲設有辦事處、研發和製造機構,以及廣泛的全球經銷網路,能快速且高效率提供您所需的產品。
Digilent 與 Measurement Computing (MCC) 合作販售的數據擷取系列商品,擁有易於使用、整合、支援的特性,專為 Raspberry Pi 平台設計,以小型、可堆疊的格式提供模擬和數位 I/O 功能。所有 DAQ HAT 均包含 C/C++ 和 Python 範例與開源資料庫。並提供以 Raspberry Pi 為基礎的數據記錄解決方案。
為DIGILENT台灣合法授權代理商,位於新竹市,代理/銷售 DIGILENT 原廠商品,並提供技術支援與售後服務。
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