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噴護 泡沫式鞋面清潔劑 免水洗 乾式鞋內除臭劑

商品編號:P4143406006592 原始貨號:P4143406006592
$ 69
  • 乾式鞋內除臭劑
  • 泡沫式鞋面清潔劑
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噴護泡沫式鞋面清潔劑 Vamp detergent   特性 免水洗,去污力強,可迅速清潔去污,使用方便,輕輕一噴,等十秒鐘,擦拭乾淨馬上穿!其特殊配方,可使皮面光滑富有彈性,並適用於運動鞋、休閒鞋及皮質鞋面或其他物品之髒污擦拭。 Waterless, strong cleaning power, capable of quickly and effectively removing stains. It is easy to use - simply spray, wait for ten seconds, and wipe clean for immediate use! Its special formula helps maintain a smooth and flexible leather surface. It is suitable for cleaning sports shoes, casual shoes, leather shoe uppers, or other items with dirt.   使用範圍 鞋類、皮包、公事包、行李箱、汽車座椅、人造皮等製品,但不適合用於麂皮或絨面皮。 It is suitable for use on footwear, leather bags, briefcases, luggage, car seats, synthetic leather, and similar products. However, it is not recommended for use on suede or nubuck leather.   使用方式 1 先搖動罐子數下,然後離鞋子8~10公分將本劑直接噴在鞋面污垢處,約十秒後,再用略濕的布或紙巾擦拭乾淨特別髒的地方,重覆清洗幾次即可。 2 罐蓋的清潔刷係供刷洗鞋墊、鞋底或尼龍網布用,請勿用來刷洗皮革鞋面。每次使用後請隨手將罐蓋的清潔刷用水清洗乾淨,以維持整潔,並可延長其使用壽命。 3 清潔鞋墊時,請先將鞋墊從鞋內取出,然後參照上述方法,利用上蓋的清潔刷直接刷洗。 1.Shake the canister well and hold it 8-10 centimeters away from the dirty area on the shoe's surface. Spray the product directly onto the stains and let it sit for approximately ten seconds. Then, use a slightly damp cloth or paper towel to wipe off the particularly dirty areas. Repeat the cleaning process as needed. 2.The cleaning brush on the cap is intended for cleaning insoles, outsoles, or nylon mesh. Please do not use it to brush the leather surface of the shoes. After each use, rinse the cleaning brush with water to keep it clean and prolong its lifespan. 3.When cleaning the insoles, remove them from the shoes first, and then follow the above method by using the built-in cleaning brush to brush them directly. 主要成分 泡沫清潔劑,光亮劑,香精 Foam cleaner、Shine enhancer、Fragrance 乾式鞋內除臭劑 Deodorizing spray   特性 以純天然植物萃取精華提煉而成除臭清爽配方,使用後能去除鞋內異味並阻止污垢滲入皮革組織,立即清爽如新 Formulated with pure natural plant extracts, it is specially designed to eliminate odors and prevent dirt from penetrating leather. After use, it leaves a refreshing and revitalizing effect, making your shoes feel fresh and new instantly.   使用範圍 各種鞋類除臭 Deodorizing various types of shoes   使用方式 使用前請輕輕搖晃,在距離鞋子15~20公分處噴灑於鞋內,便能均勻的飄散在鞋內空間,能使鞋內乾爽舒適 Before use, please gently shake the product. Spray it into the shoes from a distance of 15-20 centimeters. It will evenly disperse within the shoe, ensuring a dry and comfortable interior. 主要成分 香料、銀離子抗臭劑 Fragrance、Silver pear deodorizer 注意事項 ●禁止用於食品。 ●請在通風良好處使用。 ●請儲放於陰涼乾燥處,並避免陽光直射。 ●請勿放置於兒童容易取得之處。 ●請遠離火源、食物、飲品,並避免誤食。 ​● 使用前請先於不顯眼處試用確定是否會褪色。 ●如不慎觸及眼睛,請以大量清水沖洗,當刺激持續請盡速就醫。 ●第一次使用請先在不顯眼處測試,對未適當使用之物品造成任何直接或間接及偶發傷害,不負法律責任。