隻身面對希望渺茫的勝算,只為了拯救他的女兒。為此他必須借助終極的知識…… 諾貝爾醫學獎得主湯姆.卡特博士,正值人生巔峰的他,發明了劃時代的機器——基因鏡,讓他得以深入解析人類基因。只是這把窺探人類生命奧秘的鑰匙,卻也為他招來連串殺身之禍…… THE HEART-POUNDING INTERNATIONAL
One man battles for the life of his daughter in the face of seemingly unbeatable odds. But to save her he must first reach for the ultimate knowledge… THE MIRACLE STRAIN
At the moment of his greatest triumph, the Nobel Prize for Medicine, Dr Tom Carter's world is shattered by the assassination of his wife. He knows that the killer’s bullets can only have been meant for him. In the aftermath of her death, a scan reveals that his daughter Holly has an incurable brain disorder and less than a year to live. Even the most advanced conventional science cannot save her. Something more radical is required. Tom Carter needs a miracle. A secret brotherhood, two thousand years old, may have the answer. They need Carter’s skills to complete their own sacred quest. In return they offer him the chance to look beyond the genes of man… and into the genes of God. |
■麥可.高迪/Michael Cordy Michael Cordy worked for ten years in marketing before giving it all up to write The Miracle Strain, which has since sold in over twenty-five countries. He is also the author of Lucifer. Michael Cordy lives in London with his wife, Jenny. |
作者:麥可.高迪/Michael Cordy 版本:UK New Edition 規格:小平裝/Mass Market Paperback,10.7 x 17.7 x 3.9 cm,544頁 出版商:Corgi Books 出版日期:1998年06月04日 語言:英文 ISBN-10:0-552-14578-5 非新品書緣泛黃,書脊有微閱讀摺痕,附保護書套,不介意物品狀況再行購買。 Condition: Good. Pre-owned book with minor creased book spine and foxing. No missing pages nor anything that would compromise the legibility or understanding of the text. All pages are intact, no highlighting of text, no writing in margins. With dust jacket. S. J. 華森作品 雙面陷阱 Second Life S J 華森 Watson 別相信任何人作者 懸疑驚悚推理小說 ★消費滿額可享免運優惠★
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