名列當代暢銷小說之作《殺戮時刻》,奠定約翰.葛里遜法律驚悚書籍大家的地位。這次他帶領讀者回到福特郡,目睹律師傑克.布里根斯再次捲入一樁爭議性十足的官司,揭露因種族衝突而起的不堪過往。 富翁希斯.賀伯因久病纏身不堪肺癌折磨,毅然在懸鈴木下自縊。然而身後的一紙遺囑與龐大遺產,卻引爆家族與黑人女傭以及委任律師間的嚴重衝突。第二張遺囑從何而來?一場勾心鬥角、爾虞我詐的法律攻防於焉展開,然而出乎眾人意料之外的是,事件背後竟然還埋藏著一段悲傷歷史…… John Grisham takes you back
to where it all began. One of the most popular novels of our time, A Time to Kill established John Grisham as the master of the legal thriller. Now we return to Ford County as Jake Brigance finds himself embroiled in a fiercely controversial trial that exposes a tortured history of racial tension. Seth Hubbard is a wealthy man dying of lung cancer. He trusts no one. Before he hangs himself from a sycamore tree, Hubbard leaves a new, handwritten will. It is an act that drags his adult children, his black maid, and Jake into a conflict as riveting and dramatic as the murder trial that made Brigance one of Ford County's most notorious citizens, just three years earlier. The second will raises many more questions than it answers. Why would Hubbard leave nearly all of his fortune to his maid? Had chemotherapy and painkillers affected his ability to think clearly? And what does it all have to do with a piece of land once known as Sycamore Row? |
■約翰.葛里遜/John Grisham 美國知名法律小說大師葛里遜,一九五五年二月八日生於美國阿肯色州,一九八一年畢業於密西西比大學法學院(Mississippi State University),曾於一九八四年至九○期間擔任該州州議員,並以成名作《黑色豪門企業》一書聞名於世。 執筆至今,葛里遜已著有多達卅餘本小說、四則短篇小說以及三本非小說著作,作品已被翻譯多達卌二種語言,並多次改編為電影與電視影集。葛里遜筆下另有《絕對機密》(The Pelican Brief)、《終極證人》(The Client)、《終極審判》(The Chamber)、《造雨人》(The Rainmaker)、《失控的陪審團》(The Runaway Jury)以及西奧律師事務所(Theodore Boone)等知名小說。 John Grisham is the author of twenty-three novels, including, most recently, The Litigators; one work of nonfiction; a collection of stories; and a series for young readers. The recipient of the Harper Lee Prize for Legal Fiction, he is also the chairman of the board of directors of the Mississippi Innocence Project at the University of Mississippi School of Law. He lives in Virginia and Mississippi. |
作者:約翰.葛里遜/John Grisham 版本:International Edition 規格:小平裝/Mass Market Paperback,10.6 x 17.5 x 3 cm,656頁 出版商:Dell Publishing Company 出版日期:2014年01月01日 語言:英文 ISBN-13:978-0-8129-9905-1 Sycamore Row 新書。 Sycamore Row. Condition: New. 起源 Origin 丹布朗 Dan Brown 蘭登教授 神秘學符號密碼 達文西密碼作者 ★消費滿額可享免運優惠★
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