羅馬的英雄凱撒大帝,不僅為世人所景仰,更是權勢滔天,然而當他試圖更進一步鞏固權力並架空元老院時,此舉逼得眾人不得不密謀推翻凱薩。本作為文豪莎士比亞著名歷史劇,權力、腐敗與背叛貫穿全劇,以儒將布魯特斯獨到的視角,描寫這位名震天下羅馬霸王的興衰。 HarperCollins is proud to present its incredible range of best-loved, essential classics. Power, corruption and betrayal are at the heart of Shakespeare's most well-known historical and political drama. As Julius Caesar moves closer to securing power for himself and is perceived by some as a threat to Roman citizens, his senators plot to bring about his downfall. Caesar's assassination leads to civil war rather than peace and the play explores the subsequent deaths of the conspirators Brutus and Cassius. Shakespeare's contemporaries would have spotted the playwright's attempts to use the shift from republican to imperial Rome to highlight the political situation of the Elizabethans at the time. Featuring some of the most powerfully resonant and rousing speeches of any of Shakespeare's plays, Julius Caesar remains one of his most well-loved historical tragedies. |
■威廉.莎士比亞/William Shakespeare(1564-1616) 英國戲劇家和詩人威廉.莎士比亞,為西方文學史上最具原創力的作家。莎士比亞的創作生涯通常被分成四個階段。一五九○年代中期之前,他主要創作喜劇,其風格受羅馬和義大利影響,同時按照流行的編年史傳統創作歷史劇。他的第二個階段開始於大約一五九五年的悲劇《羅密歐與朱麗葉》,結束於一五九九年的悲劇《朱利葉斯.凱撒》。在這段時期,他創作了他最著名的喜劇和歷史劇。從大約一六○○年到大約一六○八年為他的「悲劇時期」,莎士比亞創作以悲劇為主。從大約一六○八年到一六一三年,他主要創作悲喜劇,被稱為莎士比亞晚期傳奇劇。 時至今日,他的影響仍無遠弗界,深植全球各地,彌久而深遠。莎翁流傳後世的作品包括卅八部戲劇、百五十四首十四行詩、兩首長敘事詩和其他詩歌;全世界各種主要語言皆有其劇作譯本,且表演次數遠超過其他劇作家的作品。 William Shakespeare was a poet, playwright, and actor who is widely regarded as one of the most influential writers in the history of the English language. Often referred to as the Bard of Avon, Shakespeare's vast body of work includes comedic, tragic, and historical plays; poems; and 154 sonnets. His dramatic works have been translated into every major language and are performed more often than those of any other playwright. |
作者:威廉.莎士比亞/William Shakespeare 系列:Collins Classics 規格:小平裝/Massmarket Paperback,11.1 x 17.8 x 1.1 cm,160頁 出版商:HarperCollins Publishers 出版日期:2013年09月12日 語言:英文 ISBN-13:978-0-00-792546-9 Julius Caesar 新書。 Julius Caesar. Condition: New. 十四行詩集 The Sonnets 威廉莎士比亞 William Shakespeare ★消費滿額可享免運優惠★
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