改編自日本藝伎岩崎峰子真實故事,描寫農家女孩千代多舛的一生。年僅九歲被賣至京都祇園,經歷勾心鬥角的訓練生活、包養求生到歷經二次大戰戰火的蹂躪,深切刻劃小百合內心深處的情與慾。同名改編電影於二○○五年上映,由史提芬.史匹柏監製,影星章子怡、渡邊謙、鞏俐、楊紫瓊、桃井薰、工藤夕貴以及大後壽壽花等人聯合演出。 'An epic tale and a brutal evocation of a disappearing world' —— The Times
A young peasant girl is sold as servant and apprentice to a renowned geisha house. Many years later she tells her story from a hotel in New York, opening a window into an extraordinary half-hidden world of eroticism and enchantment, exploitation and degradation and summoning up a quarter of a century of Japan's dramatic history. |
■亞瑟.高登/Arthur Golden Arthur Golden was born and brought up in Chattanooga, Tennessee. He is a 1978 graduate of Harvard College with a degree in art history, specialising in Japanese art. In 1980 he earned an MA in Japanese history from Columbia where he also learned Mandarin Chinese. In 1988 he received an MA in English from Boston. He has lived and worked in Japan, but now lives in Brookline, Massachusetts, with his wife and children. |
作者:亞瑟.高登/Arthur Golden 規格:小平裝/Mass Market Paperback,11.7 x 17.8 x 3.2 cm,512頁 出版商:Vintage Publishing 品牌:VINTAGE FILM 出版日期:2010年08月05日 語言:英文 ISBN-13:978-0-099-55214-7 Memoirs of a Geisha 新書。 Memoirs of a Geisha. Condition: New. ★消費滿額可享免運優惠★