The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes ARTHUR CONAN DOYLE |
《福爾摩斯冒險史》柯南.道爾爵士所創作的第一本短篇小說合集,共收錄拾貳篇短篇小說,故事圍繞偵探福爾摩斯神奇的辦案手法,全書以助理華生醫生第一人稱視角撰寫,並點出其時英國社會不公不義的黑暗面。作品於一八九二年十月十四日發刊。 作品問市至今已多次改編為戲劇、電視,登上大螢幕的次數甚至高達兩百餘次,並先後由七十多位演員扮演這位斷案神奇的偵探。作品歡迎普羅大眾歡迎,熱度至今不墜。 HarperCollins is proud to present its new range of best-loved, essential classics. 'Sherlock Holmes was transformed when he was hot upon such a scent as this. Men who had only known the quiet thinker and logician of Baker Street would have failed to recognize him. His face flushed and darkened. His brows were drawn into two hard black lines, while his eyes shone out from beneath them with a steely glitter.' Set against the foggy, mysterious backdrops of London and the English countryside, these are the first twelve stories ever published to feature the infamous Detective Sherlock Holmes and his side kick Doctor Watson. They first appeared as stories in the Strand Magazine and feature some of his most famous and enjoyable cases, including 'A Scandal in Bohemia', 'The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle' and 'The Red-headed League'. |
■柯南.道爾/Arthur Conan Doyle(1859/05/22-1930/07/07) 英國作家亞瑟.柯南.道爾爵士身兼作家與醫生等雙重身分;因成功塑造名偵探福爾摩斯,而一躍成為偵探小說史上最為重要的作家之一;此外筆下另有如科幻、歷史小說、愛情小說、戲劇以及詩歌等多種類型的文學作品。 柯南.道爾一共撰寫六十餘則關於福爾摩斯的故事,計有五十六則短篇與四則中篇小說。這些作品在四十年間陸續發表於《岸濱月刊》(The Strand Magazine)。故事主要發生於一八七八年到一九零七年間,最晚的一篇故事則是以一九一四年為背景。當中多數以華生旁述紀錄,兩則以福爾摩斯第一人稱口吻寫就,另有兩篇則是以第三人稱角度撰寫而成。 |
作者:柯南.道爾/Arthur Conan Doyle 系列:Collins Classics 規格:小平裝/Massmarket Paperback,11.1 x 17.8 x 2.2 cm,336頁 出版商:HarperCollins Publishers 出版日期:2010年04月01日 語言:英文 ISBN-13:978-0-00-735083-4 The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes 新書,書緣微泛黃,不介意物品狀況再行購買。 The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes new book with minor foxing. ★消費滿額可享免運優惠★
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