Fraud |
Author of A Closed Eye |
在安妮塔.布魯克納這本新作中,有兩大玄機貫穿故事核心。一者為主人公安娜.杜蘭特究竟遭遇何事?讓一位獨居婦人離奇自其倫敦寓所消失?更令人訝異的是,案件竟然拖了整整四個月才有人察覺杜蘭特女士失蹤無蹤? 當布魯克納藉由各個熟人的角度,逐一重建安娜的生平與性格時,兼以其詼諧卻又極端辛辣的筆法透視自戕之德,同時揭露支撐奇駭正直背後的社會、金錢以及道德欺瞞。 At the heart of Anita Brookner's new novel lies a double mystery: What has happened to Anna Durrant, a solitary woman of a certain age who has disappeared from her London flat? And why has it taken four months for anyone to notice? As Brookner reconstructs Anna's life and character through the eyes of her acquaintances, she gives us a witty yet ultimately devastating study of self-annihilating virtue while exposing the social, fiscal, and moral frauds that are the underpinnings of terrifying rectitude. |
■安妮塔.布魯克納/Anita Brookner Anita Brookner was born in London and, apart from several years in Paris, was a lifelong Londoner. She trained as an art historian and taught at the Courtauld Institute of Art until 1988. She is the author of twenty-seven books, including the Booker Prize–winning novel Hotel Du Lac. She died in 2016. |
作者:安妮塔.布魯克納/Anita Brookner 版本:Reprint Edition 規格:平裝/Paperback,13.3 x 20.2 x 1.7 cm,268頁 出版商:Random House 品牌:Vintage Contemporaries 出版日期:1994年01月13日 語言:英文 ISBN-10:0-679-74308-1 非新品書頁泛黃,內頁署名、鈐印,附保護書套,不介意物品狀況再行購買。 Condition: Good, with singnature and stamp. No missing pages or anything that would compromise the legibility or understanding of the text, with dust jacket. ★消費滿額可享免運優惠★
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