Author of Second Fiddle They Just Keep Coming |
一九三九年,立秋。在康瓦爾郡的家庭聚會中,五位非比尋常的表兄妹齊聚一堂。隨著戰事逐漸逼近,眾人共享著暴風雨前的寧靜片刻,玩著幼時的追逐遊戲「試膽夜跑」、談論破處的話題,以放縱自我與英倫的禮節矜持,面對山雨欲來風滿樓的壓力,而那片甘菊草坪則成了他們放逐嬉戲、享受性愛張力與誘惑的遁世花園。 本做曾改編為同名連續劇,由英國第四頻道(Channel 4)於一九九二年製播。劇集由彼得霍爾執導,肯恩泰勒改編,影星托比史蒂芬、珍妮佛依莉、塔拉費茲傑羅、菲麗希緹坎德爾、保羅艾丁頓等人聯合演出。影集於當年三月五日播映,曾獲英國電視學院獎及英國影劇學院最佳迷你影集等雙項大獎提名。 If there's a war I'll sleep with you
before you get killed. That's what maidens did in books
and I am a maiden.
On an expanse of sweet-smelling grass at the edge of the Cornwall cliffs, a family gathers on one of the last halcyon days before World War II. But for five unconventional, adolescent cousins - Polly and Walter, who are brother and sister; Oliver, a veteran of the Spanish Civil War; the illegitimate , orphaned Sophie; and the beautiful, self-assured Calypso - the camomile lawn becomes a garden of sexual tension and temptation. They play their childhood chase game, the Terror Run, and talk about losing their innocence. When the war comes, it adds a reckless zest to their lives; their games become realities. With death a constant menace and sexual conventions rejected, they couple with abandon and face their private tragedies with legendary British reserve. |
■瑪麗.衛斯理/Mary Wesley Mary Wesley (1912–2002) was an English novelist. After she published her first novel at age seventy, her books sold more than three million copies, many of them becoming bestsellers. Her beloved books include Jumping the Queue, The Camomile Lawn, Harnessing Peacocks, The Vacillations of Poppy Carew, Not That Sort of Girl, Second Fiddle, A Sensible Life, A Dubious Legacy, An Imaginative Experience, and Part of the Furniture, as well as a memoir, Part of the Scenery. |
作者:瑪麗.衛斯理/Mary Wesley 規格:平裝/Paperback,13 x 19.8 x 1.9 cm,336頁 出版商:企鵝出版集團/Penguin Books 品牌:King Penguin 出版日期:1990年04月01日 語言:英文 ISBN-10:0-14-012392-X 非新品書頁泛黃,附保護書套,不介意物品狀況再行購買。 ★消費滿額可享免運優惠★
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