AND MARCO POLITI They just keep coming |
人生旅途高潮迭起,歷經波蘭工運、訪英女王、東西兩教世紀會面以及驚險躲過奪命暗殺,並創下多項天主教創舉,堪稱近代天主教最具傳奇色彩的教宗。本書由華盛頓郵報知名記者,同時亦是報導水門事件的卡爾伯恩斯坦,會同義大利梵蒂岡專家波利提聯合執筆,帶給讀者迥異於以往的特殊觀點。 With the same meticulous reporting skills and narrative excitement that went into All the President's Men and The Final Days, journalists Carl Bernstein and Marco Politi provide an astonishing look at Pope John Paul II---the foremost political figure of our time. In their research, Bernstein and Politi have had unprecedented access to rare sources of information in Rome, Washington, and Moscow, including formerly top-secret Soviet files. Through these fascinating documents, His Holiness allows the reader a previously impossible glimpse inside the inner workings of the Soviet hierarchy, and shows how the Soviets recognized the serious threat John Paul II posed to their survival---even a the start of his papacy. Startling Politburo minutes show Brezhnev, Andropov, and other key figures heatedly discussing at length how to handle the pope---even within days of the nearly successful assassination attempt. Yet, John Paul II would come to dominate his era much as Churchill dominated his, ultimately fashioning an alliance with Reagan to reverse Yalta and hasten the demise of Communism. Surprisingly, it was not for his political instincts that he rose through church ranks; rather he is the first prelate in history to rise to the papacy based on his work in the field of sexual morality---as writer, researcher, and counselor to young couples. His Holiness succeeds where other studies have failed at capturing the humanness of John Paul II, and it explains the inner mysteries of the man who has set the Catholic Church on an unmistakable course that has both divided and uplifted the billion members of his church. What also emerges is the unknown story of a boy who turned to God after losing all his closest family members and whose unbelievable destiny was shaped by a youth in the midst of Nazi (and later Communist) Europe. However controversial, Pope John Paul II's iron will and strong convictions have made him the great moral leader of our time. |
■教宗聖若望保祿二世/Sanctus Ioannes Paulus PP.
II(1920/05/18–2005/04/02) 教宗聖若望保祿二世為第兩百六十四任天主教教宗,本名嘉祿.若瑟.沃伊蒂瓦(Karol Józef Wojtyła),一九二○年五月十八日生於波蘭共和國。於一九七八年十月十六日獲選教宗,為首位波蘭裔及斯拉夫裔教宗,同時也是自一五二二年哈德良六世辭世後,近四百五十六年來首位非義大利人教宗。若望保祿二世在位時間長達廿六年,為史上第三,僅次於聖彼得及庇護九世。 若望保祿二世生前曾從事足球員、戲劇演員、礦工以及化學工廠員工。擔任教宗後共出訪百零貳次,為史上出訪次數最多的教宗。諡號大教宗若望保祿二世(Pope John Paul II the Great),為史上第四位及一一三八來首位冠上「大教宗」(The Great Pope)頭銜之教宗。二○一四年四月廿七日,與教宗若望廿三世同時為方濟各封聖。其紀念日定於十月廿二日。 |
作者:馬可波利提/Marco Politi & 卡爾伯恩斯坦/Carl Bernstein 版本:First Edition 規格:精裝/Hardback,16.3 x 24.1 x 4.8 cm,582頁 出版商:Doubleday 出版日期:1996年09月01日 語言:英文 ISBN-10:0-385-47237-4 非新品書頁泛黃,附保護書套,不介意物品狀況再行購買。 Condition: Good. The book is in good condition. No obvious damage to the cover, no missing or damaged pages, no creases or tears, and no underlining/highlighting of text or writing in the margins. With the dust jacket. Sancta Maria, Mater Dei Ora pro nobis peccatoribus 賈伯斯傳十周年紀念版 Steve Jobs Tenth Anniversary Edition 華特艾薩克森 Walter Isaacson 蘋果麥金塔創辦人 自傳傳記 ★消費滿額可享免運優惠★
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