They Just Keep
THE SENSATIONAL PAST ════════════════════ |
自十八世紀啟蒙運動以來,知識驅動世界前進,然而不僅止於知識,視、聽、嗅、味、觸等五感,同樣驅使人類轉動歷史的巨輪。新銳歷史學家卡洛琳.普內爾,以有別於以往的角度,切入這段人類重要時期,探索過往三百年,人類對於五感的認知,是如何隨著歲月而有所轉變。如今看來,當中有些令人疑惑不解、甚至噁心恐懼。《感》一書讓讀者得以藉由普內爾迥異的視角,重新認識人類對於知覺的感官過往。 Sight, smell, hearing, taste, and touch―as they were celebrated during the Enlightenment and as they are perceived today. Blindfolding children from birth? Playing a piano made of live cats? Using tobacco to cure drowning? Wearing "flea"-colored clothes? These actions may seem odd to us, but in the eighteenth century, they made perfect sense. As often as we use our senses, we rarely stop to think about their place in history. But perception is not dependent on the body alone. Carolyn Purnell persuasively shows that, while our bodies may not change dramatically, the way we think about the senses and put them to use has been rather different over the ages. Journeying through the past three hundred years, Purnell explores how people used their senses in ways that might shock us now. And perhaps more surprisingly, she shows how many of our own ways of life are a legacy of this earlier time. The Sensational Past focuses on the ways in which small, peculiar, and seemingly unimportant facts open up new ways of thinking about the past. You will explore the sensory worlds of the Enlightenment, learning how people in the past used their senses, understood their bodies, and experienced the rapidly shifting world around them. In this smart and witty work, Purnell reminds us of the value of daily life and the power of the smallest aspects of existence using culinary history, fashion, medicine, music, and many other aspects of Enlightenment life. |
■卡洛琳.普內爾/Carolyn Purnell Carolyn Purnell received her PhD from the University of Chicago. She is a history instructor, an interior design writer, and a lover of bizarre facts. |
作者:卡洛琳.普內爾/Carolyn Purnell 版本:Illustrated Edition 規格:精裝/Hardback,15 x 21.6 x 2.5 cm,304頁 出版商:W. W. Norton & Company 出版日期:2017年02月07日 語言:英文 ISBN-13:978-0-393-24937-8 The Sensational Past 新書。 The Sensational Past new book. 6,500個窗戶、73部電梯,從底層步行至頂層須經過1,860級台階,總建築面積為204,385平方公尺。 帝國大廈 地標建造史 The Empire State Building 約翰陶凡納克 John Tauvanac 觀景台 曼哈頓 第五大道 紐約建築歷史 ★消費滿額可享免運優惠★
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