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科學怪人 Frankenstein 瑪麗雪萊 Mary Shelley 影視原著小說 Signet Classics 經

商品編號:P3993105982031 原始貨號:P3993105982031

成書於一八一八年的恐怖小說《科學怪人》,目前以一八卅一年刊行的第參版較為普及,書中的瘋狂醫生維克.弗蘭肯斯坦,以科學的方式挑戰倫理界線使死屍復活,因而譯作《科學怪人》,經典形象人造人則以「怪物」(The Creature)名之。儘管部份學者認為本作可視為恐怖小說或科幻小說的濫觴,然而恐怖體裁的形式目前首見於一七六四年出版的《奧特蘭托堡》(The Castle of Otranto)一書,至於歌德一詞的由來則源自於該書副標〈一則歌德故事〉(A Gothic Story)。

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S I G N E T    C L A S S I C S


成書於一八一八年的恐怖小說《科學怪人》,目前以一八卅一年刊行的第參版較為普及,書中的瘋狂醫生維克.弗蘭肯斯坦,以科學的方式挑戰倫理界線使死屍復活,因而譯作《科學怪人》,經典形象人造人則以「怪物」(The Creature)名之。儘管部份學者認為本作可視為恐怖小說或科幻小說的濫觴,然而恐怖體裁的形式目前首見於一七六四年出版的《奧特蘭托堡》(The Castle of Otranto)一書,至於歌德一詞的由來則源自於該書副標〈一則歌德故事〉(A Gothic Story)。

本作影響之深遠,多年來催生無數的電影、小說與戲劇的誕生。最近的大螢幕改編作品當屬二○一五年上映的《怪物》 (Victor Frankenstein),該齣電影由保羅麥格根(Paul McGuigan)執導,麥斯蘭迪斯(Max Landis)改編,由《X戰警:天啟》詹姆斯麥艾維(James McAvoy)、《哈利波特》丹尼爾雷德克里夫(Daniel Radcliffe)、潔西卡布朗芬德莉(Jessica Brown Findlay)、安德魯·史考特(Andrew Scott)與卡倫透納(Callum Turner)等人演出,全球票房高達三千四百多萬美元。


With a New Foreword by Walter James Miller

The story of Victor Frankenstein and of the monstrous creature he created has held the reading public spellbound since its publication almost a century and a half ago. On the surface, it is a novel of tense and steadily mounting horror; but on a more profound level, it offers searching illumination of the human condition in its portrayal of a scientist who oversteps the bounds of conscience and of a monster brought to life in an alien world, ever more desperately attempting to escape the torture of his solitude. A novel of hallucinatory intensity, Frankenstein represents one of the most striking flowerings of the Romantic imagination.

And an Afterword by Harold Bloom
■瑪麗.雪萊/Mary Shelley(1797/08/30–1851/02/01)

MARY SHELLEY was born in London on August 17, 1797. Her mother, the celebrated feminist writer Mary Wollstonecraft, died a few days after her birth. Her father, William Godwin, a well-known anarchist and atheist writer, tutored Mary. In 1814, when she was sixteen, she fell in love with the married poet Percy Bysshe Shelley and they eloped to France. In 1816 the couple travelled to Lake Geneva to spend the summer with the poet Byron. Mary was inspired to write Frankenstein after Byron arranged a ghost story competition during their stay. In the autumn of 1816 Shelley's pregnant wife drowned herself in the Serpentine in Hyde Park and Shelley immediately married Mary. The couple had four children together but only one son survived infancy. They lived in Italy until Percy's death in a boating accident in 1822. Mary continued to write until her death in London on February 1, 1851. She is buried in Bournemouth.

作者:瑪麗.雪萊/Mary Shelley
翻譯:華特.寇布 Walter J. Cobb
導讀:華特詹.姆士.米勒 Walter James Miller
規格:小平裝/Mass Market Paperback,10.7 x 17.8 x 1.9 cm,272頁
出版商:Penguin Putnam Inc
商標:Signet Classics
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