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【庫存降價出清】Visual Sound V2 Truetone Clean Boost 增益 效果器 吉他【凱傑樂器】

商品編號:P1445901319811 原始貨號:P1445901319811
$ 4,180
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*此商品為庫存全新品* *此商品為庫存全新品* 品牌介紹 1995 年初,Bob Weil 和他的妻子Julie開始在他們康涅狄格州諾沃克的公寓裡研發製造Visual Sound 效果器。 在過去 16 年來,Visual Sound已成為影響全世界吉他效果器的製造商。 其行銷的標記,“Real Tone for Real People”,闡述了公司的理念。 Weil 說 "我的目標始終是每個玩家都可以接受的價格與實在的功能性。 產品說明 Clean Boost Truetone Clean Boost is the Perfect way to push the front end of your tube amp. Then again, it's also a great way to push a good overdrive pedal a bit harder. If you like the tone you already have from another pedal, just put Truetone after that pedal for a volume boost... great for a solo boost or to make a certain part stand out. Punch in and punch out without affecting your tone. The Truetone can get up to a 15dB boost, but the real uniqueness of it is that it is running internally off of 27V. So, all of that boost is clean. We bump up the voltage inside the pedal, rather than requiring use of a special external power supply. Most other boost pedals just run off of 9V, so although they might advertise a greater boost than 15dB, it's really just overdrive boost at any setting greater than about 6dB. Works great on bass too! Dimensions: 3" x 5 11/16" (78 x 144mm); Current Draw: 11-17mA Visual Sound 詳細完整官方介紹請參閱