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紐西蘭 Settlers 麥蘆卡蜂蜜 UMF10+ 250g

商品編號:P1394801615060 原始貨號:1007

Origin: Settlers Honey Mānuka Honey UMF™ 10+ is genuine Mānuka honey sourced from the remote and untouched parts of New Zealand’s pristine environment.

Taste: It has a distinctive and well-rounded flavour with a moderate Mānuka tang, a mellow sweetness, and mild earthy notes.

Use: Perfect for everyday use, enjoy it by the spoonful, in drinks, on toast, in a gourmet dish or on your next cheese board.

Mānuka content: Classified as a Monofloral by MPI standards with an MGO content of 300+: at least 300 mg/kg

Quality: Contains 100% pure New Zealand Honey, nothing else. Every jar of our honey can be traced back to the original apiary(s) that it originated from. It is also independently tested and verified batch by batch to identify the unique characteristics and ensure it meets our high quality standards

$ 980
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紐西蘭 Settlers 麥蘆卡蜂蜜 UMF10+ 250g 是一款來自大自然恩賜的蜂蜜,適合任何尋找美味與健康兼具的消費者。滿載來自紐西蘭風土的風味,這款蜂蜜將為你的菜餚或飲品增添豐富的層次與口感。

麥蘆卡樹(Mānuka)是一種原生於紐西蘭的灌木,其花蜜可生產出風味獨特的蜂蜜。UMF10+的等級證明了這款蜂蜜中含有相當量的特殊活性成分,如氫氧基丁二酮(DHA)、甲基乙二醛(MGO) 和黎豆素(Leptosperin)。

每一勺 Settlers 麥蘆卡蜂蜜 UMF10+ 都充滿豐富的味道和健康益處。淋在麵包上,混入早晨的燕麥粥,或是與你最愛的熱飲混合,都能帶來美味的驚喜。同時,麥蘆卡蜂蜜的抗菌特性被認為對身體有著許多好處,包括改善腸道健康和提升免疫力。

紐西蘭 Settlers 的麥蘆卡蜂蜜 UMF10+ 250g 經過嚴格的品質控制,以確保每一瓶都達到最高的生產標準。由紐西蘭本土養蜂場到你的餐桌,我們全程監控,以確保產品的純度和質量。

從甜點到飲品,無論是日常飲食或特殊節慶,Settlers 麥蘆卡蜂蜜 UMF10+ 都能為你帶來甜美的享受,同時呵護你的健康。選擇紐西蘭 Settlers 麥蘆卡蜂蜜 UMF10+ 250g,讓你的生活充滿天然的美好!