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紐西蘭Settlers 麥蘆卡百花蜂蜜MGO30+ 500g

商品編號:P1394801588098 原始貨號:1002

Origin: Makowhai Multifloral 30+ is a Mānuka Blend cleverly crafted by the bees from a mix of Mānuka and Native New Zealand Bush, flowering at the same time.

Taste: It is smooth and creamy with hints of caramel and toffee flavours. It has a moderate sweetness with a delicate Mānuka tang.

Use: Perfect for everyday use, enjoy it by the spoonful, in drinks and smoothies, on toast or bread or to enhance your favourite dish. It also pairs beautifully with creamy cheeses.

Mānuka content: Classified as a Multifloral Mānuka by MPI standards with an MGO content of 30+: at least 30mg/kg MGO

Quality: Contains 100% pure New Zealand Honey, nothing else. Every jar of our honey can be traced back to the original apiary(s) that it originated from. It is also independently tested and verified batch by batch to identify the unique characteristics and ensure it meets our high quality standards

$ 680
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Settlers 麥蘆卡百花蜂蜜 MGO30+ 是我們最受歡迎的蜂蜜產品之一。這款產品擁有麥蘆卡蜂蜜所特有的豐富口感和獨特性質,其獨特之處在於,它融合了新西蘭各種野生花卉的精華,使其口感更為豐富且層次分明。



Settlers 麥蘆卡百花蜂蜜 MGO30+ 不僅是一種美味的天然甜味劑,還可以作為一種健康的飲食選擇。可以直接食用,也可以加入您的早餐燕麥粥、烘焙食品、茶水或其他飲品中。擁有這款蜂蜜,讓您的生活更加甜蜜。