紅到日韓的美國潮牌 PF Flyers 這雙是高價款 絕不撞鞋 全新附鞋盒 私藏放出
PF Flyers,全稱 Posture Foundation,始創於 1933 年,最初是由一家名叫 BF Goodrich 的輪胎公司創立並註冊,他們將製作輪胎的橡膠硫化技術應用於帆布鞋鞋墊,並取得獨家專利。同時開始在生產帆布鞋過程中加入了這項獨家專利鞋墊,自此 Posture Foundation這個系列的鞋款開始登上了美國帆布鞋的歷史舞台。1937年,正式改名為 PF Flyers,並沿用至今。
PF Flyers雖然比 CONVERSE 晚誕生 25 年,但是由於其鞋款的舒適性和耐用性,一經推出,就在當時美國市場獲得了很高的知名度,甚至一度成為美國陸軍的鞋款供貨商。在 BF Goodrich 公司100周年的時候,還和當時的羽毛球大師 Jack Purcell推出了一款全新的同名羽毛球鞋,首發黑、白兩款配色,使用了BF.Goodrich標誌性的硫化大底,「開口笑」設計也成為了Jack Purcell 的象徵性元素。
直到2001年,New Balance 拿下了 PF Flyers 的品牌權,收歸旗下,並一直持有至今。隨著復古風潮的興起,PF Flyers的幾個經典系列開始慢慢受到日本和韓國的古著愛好者青睞,品牌形象又被重新拉回了人們的視野。
PF Flyers The Perrin
PF Flyers, a brand rich in history for footwear has many different styles to offer. This time they have developed a partnership with Duckie Brown Fashion and at their upcoming February 2nd show during New York’s Fashion Week, Duckie Brown will pair their new fall fashion line alongside PF Flyers. As a part of this show PF Flyer is unveiling their new shoe, The Perrin. The Perrin is a cross between a dress shoe and a sneaker, using both tumbled leathers and Duckie Brown’s original French textiles.
PF Flyers, a brand rich in history for footwear has many different styles to offer. This time they have developed a partnership with Duckie Brown Fashion and at their upcoming February 2nd show during New York’s Fashion Week, Duckie Brown will pair their new fall fashion line alongside PF Flyers. As a part of this show PF Flyer is unveiling their new shoe, The Perrin. The Perrin is a cross between a dress shoe and a sneaker, using both tumbled leathers and Duckie Brown’s original French textiles.