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  • 加入時間:2023-06-01
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[物聯汪汪] 含稅附發票~ Seeeduino XIAO Expansion board 擴展板

商品編號:P0510705789582 原始貨號:P0510705789582

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$ 450
$ 480
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詳盡技術資料請見原廠或供應商連結  /Seeeduino-XIAO-Expansion-board-p-4746.html [ https://www.seeedstudio.com/Seeeduino-XIAO-Expansion-board-p-4746.html ] 單品料號:

本件商品為擴充板,不含 XIAO 主板


Key Features

  • Quick Prototyping: Easy debug and Reset with RESET button and SWD pin led out to the male header. 0.96” OLED, enables visual data to display without PC serial monitor.
  • Rich peripherals: OLED display, RTC, expandable memory space, passive buzzer, user button, on board battery management chip… One board on hand to explore infinite possibilities of Seeeduino XIAO.   
  • No Soldering Needed: All pin led out. Convenient plug and play Grove connectors support multiple data protocols, including IIC, Uart, Analog/Digital.
  • Circuit Python Supported: Well supports circuit python. MicroSD card slot enables memory space to expand, making it possible to allocate more libraries needed in prototyping and project building.
  • Mini Size: Compact and elegant with only half Raspberry Pi 4 size, perfect for tiny and wearable projects.


Seeeduino XIAO Expansion Board is a powerful functional expansion board for Seeeduino XIAO [ /singles/  ] of only half Raspberry Pi 4 size. It enables build prototype and project in an easy and quick way. With its rich peripherals, you could explore infinite possibilities of Seeeduino XIAO. Circuit python is also well supported by this board.

Hardware Overview

Many users adore Seeeduino XIAO because of its mini size and elegant design, so we try our best to keep the size as mini as we could when persuing the powerful function and rich interfaces. As you could see, the board is of only half Raspberry Pi 4 size.


Rich peripherals on board including:

  • OLED display: Visual data display without connecting to PC, which enables debug in a more efficient way, and builds application such as a sensor hub, data monitor system, .etc

  • RESET button: No more jumper wire and short circuit, easy reset with just one click. 

  • SWD debug: SWD pin led out as male pin header, making debugger connection and firmware download much easier.

  • High precision RTC: High precision real-time clock with battery backup, enable maintain accurate time when the main power is turned off.

  • Expandable memory: With a MicroSD card slot on the back, no worry on memory limit any more when adding libraries and using circuit python.

  • User button: Besides the RESET button, also provide with another user-defined button.

  • Passive buzzer: Same passive buzzer on Wio Terminal, with which you could change the PMW frequency to award different beep sound to get a "buzzer music".

  • Grove connectors: All pin led out, plug and play grove connectors support common data protocols (Grove IIC2, Grove UART1, A0/D0 Grove*1)

  • Lipo Battery Charging: JST2.0mm standard lipo battery connector and battery management system, supports both USB and lipo battery power supply, and easy onboard battery recharge.

  • 5V servo connector: 5V output led out to male header for 5V servo and sensor connection.

Though with all these rich peripherals, you may find Seeeduino XIAO Expansion Board also has very high-cost performance as Seeeduino XIAO does.

Seeeduino XIAO has become one of the hottest products in the Seeeduino series since its release. You may adore its small size and elegant design, powerful CPU powered by SAMD21, or rich interfaces of GPIOs, but no matter what reason makes Seeeduino XIAO attract to you, now you have one more reason now - Seeeduino XIAO Expansion Board, which will definitely help you to explore infinite possibilities with Seeeduino XIAO.


  • SWD debug
  • Rapid prototyping
  • Data display
  • Mini Size Project


More Accessories are on the way

Acrylic Case component

Acrylic Case for Seeeduino XIAO Expansion Board 


Power Supply5v / 3.7V Lithium Battery
RTC chipPCF8563T/5
RTC batteryCR1220
Expandable memoryMicroSD Card
Screen0.96 OLED display
Other External EquipmentPassive buzzer, user button, 5Vservo connector
charging currentMax: 460mA
Grove InterfaceGrove I2C *2, Grove UART *1, A0/D0 Grove *1


Supported Boards 

Part list

Seeeduino XIAO expansion boardX 1