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[物聯汪汪] 附發票~ I2CDriver開源I2C開發神器Spy Sniffer-控制監看側錄支援C++/Python

商品編號:P0510700188967 原始貨號:P0510700188967

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$ 1,200
$ 1,275
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詳盡技術資料請見原廠或供應商 https://i2cdriver.com/ [ https://i2cdriver.com/ ]  料號:i2cdriver


鼎鼎大名的 Gameduino 神人級獨立開發商開源大作,群眾募資近 6 萬美金,超標 16 倍!

開發人員需要的實戰功能應有盡有,足以解決任何 I2C 疑難雜症!

  • 實時顯示: 精確顯示shows you exactly what it’s doing all the time
  • 支持所有I2C 的特性: 7- 和10-比特I2C 尋址, 時鐘拉伸, 總線仲 裁,400至100 KHz的傳送速率
  • I2C 上拉電阻: 可編程自動調整I2C上拉電阻
  • USB 電壓監控: 偵測USB電壓供應問題, 低至0.01v
  • 目標設備電源監控: 測量目標設備高側電流, 高至5 mA
  • 三個I2C埠:三個完全相同的I2C埠,各自有獨立電源和I2C信號
  • 跳線:包括三組高質量彩色編碼的100毫米跳線
  • 3.3 V 輸出: 3.3 V伏特相容5伏特
  • 高可靠性的組件:使用FTDIUSB串口適配晶元,SiliconLabs汽車級EFM8 控制器
  • 開源硬體:硬體設計,固件和工具都在BSD協議下開源
  • 控制靈活: 圖形界面, 命令行, C/C++, Python 2/3 ,適用於Windows, Mac, 和Linux

最棒的是:原廠提供中、英文使用手冊 PDF,新手亦可輕鬆入門毫無障礙!


I²CDriver is an easy-to-use, open source tool for controlling I²C devices over USB. It works with Windows, Mac, and Linux, and has a built-in color screen that shows a live "dashboard" of all the I²C activity.

  • USB to I²C interface with a built-in graphical display
  • I²C master, passive monitor and capture-to-PC supported at 400 kHz
  • Three I²C ports, each with high-quality color coded hookup jumpers
  • Power monitoring: USB line voltage and target current readouts
  • Flexible control: GUI, command-line, C/C++, and Python 2/3 host software provided for Windows, Mac, and Linux

It uses a standard FTDI USB serial chip to talk to the PC, so no special drivers need to be installed. The board includes a separate 3.3 V supply with voltage and current monitoring.

I²C is Everywhere

It’s in every phone, in your embedded electronics, in every microcontroller, Raspberry Pi, and PC motherboard. It’s a mature technology - still going strong after 36 years. Because it's everywhere, I²C is used by everyone from novices to embedded designers. But the common element of everyone's I²C experience is struggle. Instead of being easy, I²C very often feels really difficult. Because there are so many ways for I²C to go wrong, things rarely "just work" and instead involve some painful debugging.

I²CDriver Makes I²C Much More Friendly

While other I²C tools might offer a couple of LEDs, I²CDriver has a clear logic-analyzer display of the signal lines plus a graphical decoding of the I²C traffic.

In addition, it continuously displays an address map of all attached I²C devices, so as you connect a device, it lights up on the map. You'll never have to ask "is this thing even switched on?" again.

The current and voltage monitoring let you catch electrical problems early. The included color-coded wires make hookup a cinch; no pinout diagram is required. It includes a separate 3.3 V supply for your devices, a high-side current meter, and programmable pullup resistors for both I²C lines.

There are three I²C ports, so you can hook up multiple devices without any fuss.

I²CDriver comes with free (as in freedom) software to control it from:

  • a GUI
  • the command-line
  • C and C++ using a single source file
  • Python 2 and 3, using a module

Do More With I²CDriver

I²CDriver driving three 8x8 LED modules

By controlling I²C hardware using the PC tools you’re most comfortable with, you can get devices doing what you want in a fraction of the development time. Calibrating devices like accelerometers, magnetometers, and gyroscopes is much simpler and faster when done directly on the PC through I²CDriver.

I²CDriver ships with Python examples using small groups of I²C devices to make something useful.

Watch the Whole Network

As well a a live decode of the traffic, the built in display shows a heatmap of all active network nodes. So in an I²C network with multiple devices, you can see at a glance which ones are the most active.

See what I²C is Doing Instantly

When an I²CDriver is connected to an existing I²C bus, it “snoops” the traffic and displays it on the screen. This provides an excellent tool for debugging I²C issues, because you can listen in on the conversation as it happens.

Capture I²C Traffic to Your PC

I²CDriver can dump all I²C traffic back to the PC. I²CDriver’s capture mode reliably records every bit to an exhaustive time-stamped log. This is really helpful for debug, analysis, and reverse-engineering. Supported formats include text, CSV, and VCD.

Modules and Carriers

Each module is 18 mm x 18 mm with castellated connectors for power and I²C. You can connect headers to them directly, incorporate them in your own designs, or solder onto carrier boards provided in the Expert and Gold pledge levels. These boards hold three modules each so they are all on a single I²C bus. In a few seconds you can combine modules for a quick prototype.


  • Live display: shows you exactly what it's doing all the time
  • Fast transfer: sustained I²C transfers at 400 and 100 kHz
  • USB voltage monitoring: USB line voltage monitor to detect supply problems, to 0.01 V
  • Target power monitoring: target device high-side current measurement, to 5 mA
  • I²C pullups: programmable I²C pullup resistors, with automatic tuning
  • Three I²C ports: three identical I²C ports, each with power and I²C signals
  • Jumpers: three sets of high-quality color coded 100mm jumpers included
  • 3.3 V output: output levels are 3.3 V, all are 5 V tolerant
  • Supports all I²C features: 7- and 10-bit I²C addressing, clock stretching, bus arbitration
  • Sturdy componentry: uses an FTDI USB serial adapter, and Silicon Labs automotive-grade EFM8 controller
  • Usage reporting: reports uptime, temperature, and running CRC of all traffic
  • Open hardware: the design, firmware and all tools are under BSD license
  • Flexible control: GUI, command-line, C/C++, and Python 2/3 host software provided for Windows, Mac, and Linux


  • Maximum power out current: up to 470 mA
  • Device current: up to 25 mA
  • Dimensions: 61 mm x 49 mm x 6 mm
  • Computer interface: USB 2.0, micro USB connector

All setup and technical information about I²CDriver can be found in the User Guide [ https://i2cdriver.com/i2cdriver.pdf ] .

用户指南 Chinese User Guide PDF [ https://i2cdriver.com/i2cdriver-cn.pdf ] .

For Windows, download the latest installer here [ https://i2cdriver.com/windows ] .

For Mac, and Linux, install the driver from Python with:

  pip install i2cdriver

and run the GUI as i2cgui.py.

All design files and firmware are in the I²CDriver open source repository [ https://github.com/jamesbowman/i2cdriver ] .

For technical support email support@i2cdriver.com [ mailto:support@i2cdriver.com ]