Product Name: Kabeina Moisturizing Chapped Cream
功效:絲滑瑩潤質地,輕薄易吸收,滋潤肌膚,改善肌膚乾燥、 粗糙等問題,使肌膚柔滑,水潤光澤。
Efficacy: Silky and lustrous texture, light and easy to absorb, moisturizing the skin, improving dryness, roughness and other problems of the skin, making the skin smooth and moisturizing.
使用方法:取適量本品均勻塗抹於臉部、手足等乾燥部位,輕 柔按摩至吸收即可。
How to use: Take an appropriate amount of this product and evenly apply it to dry areas such as face, hands and feet, and gently massage until absorbed.
如有不 適請暫停使用。
本產品僅 對皮膚乾燥等引起的皴裂 情況有滋潤保濕作用的 功效。
Precautions: Store out of reach of infants and young children. If you feel uncomfortable, please stop using it. This product only moisturizes and moisturizes the chapped skin caused by dry skin.
產地:廣東 生產批號和限期使用日期請參考標示
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