穿靴子的貓 鏤空紙藝書格林童話裡最有名的貓,穿著長靴,透過聰明才智,幫助貧窮磨坊的小兒子,成為公爵與國王的女婿。
法國插畫家Clementine Sourdais利用精巧的紙雕設計與紙藝層次的編排,讓這個俏皮的冒險故事,有了不一樣的閱讀體驗。全書可完全展開,場景式的鏤空畫面,透過光照投影到牆上,就是影子劇場,賦予經典童話,成為具有收藏價值的設計紙雕書。
Almost everyone knows the cunning, boot-wearing feline who helps a poor miller achieve a life of riches. In this edition of the Brothers Grimm fairytale, the classic story is given an added dimension. Because the book can be completely unfolded, its cut-out illustrations can be projected as shadows onto walls and experienced in an entirely new way. Each page reveals another step in the process by which the sly cat changes the future of his master for the better. All of the key scenes are depicted by an image packed with detail and fantasy---the purchase of the boots, the transformation of the evil magician into a mouse, the happy-end castle wedding of the miller and the princess. These illustrations not only give a contemporary look to the 200-year-old narrative, but they can also be transformed into a dancing play of shadows when held in front of a light. In this way, the cut-outs truly make the story come alive for its young readers.