l 孕前
l 懷孕期
l 哺乳期
l 嬰兒期
l 幼童和學齡前兒童期
l 孩童及青春前期
l 青春期
l 成年期
l 老年期
l 重要營養觀念
l 盛行率統計
l 生理學原理
l 營養需求和建議
l 示範計劃
l 案例研究
l 建議措施。
第1章 基礎營養學Nutrition Basics /蕭寧馨 譯 1
前言Introduction 2
營養學原理Principles of the Science of Nutrition 2
必需營養素和非必需營養素Essential and Nonessential Nutrients 3
膳食營養標準 Dietary Intake Standards 3
碳水化合物Carbohydrates 4
蛋白質Protein 6
油脂(脂質)Fats (Lipids) 8
維生素Vitamins 10
食物中的其它物質Other Substances in Food 13
礦物質Minerals 13
水分Water 22
營養標示Nutritional Labeling 34
營養標示表Nutrition Facts Panel 35
原料標示Ingredient Label 35
膳食補充品標示Dietary Supplement Labeling 35
草藥療法Herbal Remedies 36
機能食品Functional Foods 36
生命全程的營養與健康策略The Life-Course Approach to Nutrition and Health 37
生命期的營養需求Meeting Nutritional Needs Across the Life Cycle 37
飲食的民俗特性Dietary Considerations Based on Ethnicity 38
飲食的宗教特性Dietary Considerations Based on Religion 38
營養評估Nutritional Assessment 38
社區營養評估Community-Level Nutritional Assessment 38
個人營養評估Individual-Level Nutritional Assessment 39
飲食評估Dietary Assessment 39
人體測量評估Anthropometric Assessment 40
生化評估Biochemical Assessment 41
監測國民營養狀況Monitoring the Nation's Nutritional Health 42
公共食物與營養計畫Public Food and Nutrition Programs 42
婦嬰兒童特別營養補充計畫WIC 43
改善國民營養的當務之急Nationwide Priorities for Improvements in Nutritional Health 43
美國營養與健康指引U.S. Nutrition and Health Guidelines 43
美國人飲食指引Dietary Guidelines for Americans 44
我的餐盤MyPlate.gov 45
美國農業部的食物分類The USDA's Food Groups 46
第2章 孕前營養Preconception Nutrition /蕭寧馨 譯 50
前言Introduction 51
孕前概觀Preconception Overview 51
與孕前階段有關的2020國民營養目標2020 Nutrition Objectives for the Nation Related to the Preconceptional Period 51
生殖生理學Reproductive Physiology 52
女性生殖系統Female Reproductive System 52
男性生殖系統Male Reproductive System 55
營養與生育力Nutrition and Fertility 56
營養不足與生育能力Undernutrition and Fertility 56
體脂肪與生育力Body Fat and Fertility 57
營養狀況與生育力Nutrient Status and Fertility 58
臨孕期營養Nutrition During the Periconceptional Period 61
臨孕期的葉酸營養狀況Periconceptional Folate Status 61
臨孕期的鐵營養狀況Periconceptional Iron Status 63
孕前婦女的膳食建議Recommended Dietary Intake for Preconceptional Women 63
避孕劑對孕前營養狀況的影響Influence of Contraceptives on Preconceptional Nutrition Status 64
荷爾蒙避孕劑的營養相關副作用Nutritional Side Effects of Hormonal Contraception 64
孕前健康與營養示範計畫Model Preconceptional Health and Nutrition Programs 64
WIC的孕前營養補助Preconceptional Benefits of WIC 65
降低印尼婦女孕前缺鐵狀況Decreasing Iron Deficiency in Preconceptional Women in Indonesia 65
孕前照護:準備懷孕Preconception Care: Preparing for Pregnancy 65
營養照護程序The Nutrition Care Process 65
孕前營養照護程序The Nutrition Care Process Related to the Preconception Period 67
第3章 孕前營養:狀況與處置Preconception Nutrition: Conditions and Interventions /蕭寧馨 譯 7