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【現貨】🍀精裝英文知識繪本The Hospital:the inside story一起來認識醫院🍀GINNIE HSU

商品編號:P0077804709299 原始貨號:P0077804709299
$ 448
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The Hospital: The Inside Story By (author)  Dr Christle Nwora , By (author)  Neon Squid , Illustrated by  Ginnie Hsu 裝訂/頁數:精裝/64頁 https://s-cf-tw.shopeesz.com/file/tw-11134202-7qul0-lk0wdwrsxhsdf6 https://s-cf-tw.shopeesz.com/file/tw-11134202-7qul8-lk0wdx0yk3ie01 https://s-cf-tw.shopeesz.com/file/tw-11134202-7qul7-lk0wdxa483pi6d 內容簡介: 孩子對於去醫院、看醫生,總是焦慮緊張嗎?作者Christle Nwora醫生帶小讀者跟著新手爸媽、手部骨折小男孩和正要做手術的婦人,一窺醫院內部和認識守護我們健康的人。 例如掛號櫃台,每次到醫院,先到此報到登記;有的醫院附有遊樂場,讓孩子在此畫畫、看書、玩積木,緩和情緒;X光部門,遊戲跌跤不慎骨折,要照一下X光確認,才能精準手術、上石膏固定;放射部門有X光、超音波、電腦斷層;還有洗衣部,專門清理床被、衣物,保持患者和病床清潔,另外也收錄醫師茶水間的對話,是不是很好奇呢? 讀完會發現,醫院的大家都是英雄呢。 https://s-cf-tw.shopeesz.com/file/tw-11134202-7qul2-lk0wdxfy2dsd96 https://s-cf-tw.shopeesz.com/file/tw-11134202-7qula-lk0wdxl7rux9e7 https://s-cf-tw.shopeesz.com/file/tw-11134202-7qula-lk0wdxq7j58t7d https://s-cf-tw.shopeesz.com/file/tw-11134202-7qul2-lk0wdxuxc8uef8 https://s-cf-tw.shopeesz.com/file/tw-11134202-7qukz-lk0wdy1b4b7q3b https://s-cf-tw.shopeesz.com/file/tw-11134202-7qul2-lk0wdy88sr7q79 https://s-cf-tw.shopeesz.com/file/tw-11134202-7quky-lk0wdye2k85p5f https://s-cf-tw.shopeesz.com/file/tw-11134202-7qul9-lk0wdyjccifhae It’s another busy day at the hospital! Meet doctors and nurses, ride in an ambulance, and discover the magic of medicine in this nonfiction story for kids. This book is perfect for any child who is nervous about a trip to the hospital. Dr. Christle Nwora takes readers behind the scenes to meet the incredible people who keep you healthy, from surgeons to mental health therapists. Dr. Nwora also explains the science behind how things work, from X-rays to operating theaters. Set over the course of one day, you’ll follow different patients through their trip to the hospital, including: -A couple having a new baby -A boy getting a cast for his broken arm -A woman on her way to have an operation As you turn the pages of this book, illustrated by Ginnie Hsu, marvel at the way hospital staff work together-see who prepares the food in the cafeteria, what goes on in the laundry room, and what doctors chat about during their coffee break. Once you’ve read this book you’ll realize hospitals are full of heroes! 作者介紹 Christle Nwora Dr. Christle Nwora works at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore. She is also part of the Black Girl White Coat initiative, which provides mentorship and support for people of color working in medicine. She dreams of a future where all people are able to enjoy their healthiest and happiest lives! Ginnie Hsu Ginnie Hsu is an illustrator, designer, animator, maker, and educator living in upstate New York, where she teaches illustration at the University of Syracuse. Her love for drawing began in her childhood in Taiwan, and her work is often inspired by everyday life, nature, travel, and old artifacts she randomly finds. She loves mixing new and traditional media to create magic for all. Her publishing clients include Quarto, Old Dungate Press, Henry Holt, and Feiwel and Friends. 規格