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【贈音檔】現貨🍀平裝英文繪本🍀The Rhythm of the Rain🍀Grahame Baker-Smith

商品編號:P0077804709151 原始貨號:P0077804709151
$ 515
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The Rhythm of the Rain Hardcover – Picture Book, 20 8 月 2019 作者 Grahame Baker-Smith (Author, Illustrator) 語言 ‏ : ‎ English Hardcover ‏ : ‎ 40 頁 尺寸 ‏ : ‎ 25.73 x 1.04 x 29.54 cm 精裝封面的設計很有巧思,落下的雨水和水面的波光粼粼都燙銀彩,實書非常漂亮。 是以雨的旅程來講述水的循環,看完內容更是讚許書名取的好:Rhythm除了代表音樂的節奏、肢體的律動,還有「大自然的規律」之意。作者將水的各種姿態都畫得充滿美感與生命力 https://s-cf-tw.shopeesz.com/file/tw-11134202-7qul5-lk0wcza7xpzacd https://s-cf-tw.shopeesz.com/file/tw-11134202-7qul8-lk0w9phqb5u537 聆聽 雨的旋律 跟著一滴雨 走一趟水生態之旅 《爸爸看我飛》凱特格林威大獎得主貝克史密斯Grahame Baker-Smith創作 Issac在山林溪邊捉魚玩耍。滴,滴,滴!Issac突然感覺到臉頰撞來小小的水珠,抬頭一看,天空黑壓壓一片,下雨了!雨讓彩虹現蹤在小山裡,也讓小溪瞬間熱熱鬧鬧, Issac感受到這股活力,於是將瓶子的魚倒回小溪裡,開始跟著魚,順著湍急水流和小溪賽跑。小溪繞過家,蜿蜿蜒蜒衝下瀑布,濺起絲綢般的水花,光是看急流飛濺也很有趣。隨著小溪走到下游,水面頓時開闊,牛、小鹿小動物們就著清徹的水梳洗、啜飲,魚兒比賽跳高,活力滿滿。 英國格林威大獎得獎作家的作品! 小小的水滴從瓶子裡流出,會流向哪兒?還能再見到它嗎? 從小雨滴到大海洋,一場壯闊的水循環之旅,就在這本繪本裡驚嘆重現!   伊薩克在山坡上他最愛的小池邊玩水,當雨從天而降,伊薩克把他手上水罐裡的水倒進池裡,隨著河水,這些水滴 穿過整個城市、橫渡整個國家,在瀑布中翻滾著衝向波光粼粼的溪流,流向廣闊大海的懷抱。 伊薩克想知道水罐裡的水現在跑到哪兒了?原來在世界上另一個角落,卡西在她乾燥的村莊裡歡迎這些水的到來。這些水化身大雨降臨、變成河水倘佯,然後再次返回大海。當太陽升起照耀海洋,這些水飄向天空,形成雨雲,再一次,這些水回到了伊薩克的小池,完成了一次巡迴之旅。   從小雨滴到大海洋,榮獲英國兒童繪本最高榮譽——英國格林威大獎(Greenaway medal-winner)的作者貝克.史密斯(Grahame Baker-Smith)完整捕捉了水循環之旅,製作出一本令人驚嘆的繪本童書。   A beautiful, lyriIssac plays in his favourite pool on the mountainside. As rain starts to fall, he empties his little jar of water into the pool and races the sparkling streams as they tumble over waterfalls, rush through swollen rivers and burst out into the vast open sea.   Where will my little jar of water go now? Issac wonders. On the other side of the world, Cassi welcomes the rain to her parched village . . .   From tiniest raindrop to deepest ocean, this breathtaking celebration of the water cycle captures the remarkable movement of water across the earth in all its majesty. A stunning new non-fiction picture book from Greenaway medal-winner, Grahame Baker-Smith.cal non-fiction picture book about the water cycle.   Issac empties his little jar of water into a stream and follows its journey through the country and the city until it joins the ocean. On the other side of the world, Cassi welcomes the rain in her dry village, where rivers now run and make their way back to the sea. The cycle is complete as the sun heats the ocean and clouds are formed that carry rain back to Issac once more.