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現貨🍀精裝英文繪本The Vanishing Lake🍀Paddy Donnelly🍀探索大自然的神奇現象【缺書店】

商品編號:P0077804709024 原始貨號:P0077804709024
$ 489
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The Vanishing Lake 作者:Paddy Donnelly 裝訂/頁數:精裝/40頁 規格:25.7cm*20.6cm*1cm (高/寬/厚) 出版日:2021/04/20 獲獎記錄: Gold Medal Winner in the Independent Publisher Book Awards 2021. Selected for the annual Best Children's Books In China list 2020. 內容簡介: 講述的是一個叫Meara的小女孩,她去看望住在湖邊的爺爺,可這個湖總是沒有理由地消失隔幾天又重新出現。Meara問爺爺,可是爺爺每次都給出天馬行空或令人難以置信的解釋(比如:猛犸象、美人魚.....)。Meara是一個非常有好奇心和探索欲的小孩,她不相信爺爺編造的任何故事,但最終她或許發現了湖消失的“真正”的原因。 A captivating tale that celebrates a young girl's determination, a granddad's wisdom, and the fantastical wonders of the natural world. Something mysterious is happening at Lake Loughareema. There are days the lake is beautiful, shimmering, and full. And then there are other days when it's . . . empty! Meara asks her granddad WHY the water disappears, but every time he blames far-fetched culprits: Narwals! Mermaids! Giants! Unsatisfied, Meara sets out to uncover the truth for herself. Little does she know the answer is much larger than she realizes, and it'll take stepping back and opening her eyes to the impossible to discover the lake's magic. Based on a real lake close to the author's hometown in Ireland, this book beautifully blends imagination with the magic of the natural world. 作者Paddy Donnelly說這個故事中的lake原型是一個真實存在的地方名叫Loughareema的湖,根據天氣變化,它每隔幾天就會消失並且再現。 從科學的角度看,“往昔湖”湖水的消失,當然不是猛獁象吸水的緣故,而是因為湖底土地疏鬆、孔洞密布。每當淤泥堵塞,便會積水成湖。一旦湖水累積到足夠的深度,巨大的水壓令湖底孔洞疏通,便又會化湖為平地。 在澳大利亞也有類似的湖泊——喬治湖。從1820年至今,喬治湖已經週期性消失過五次。它有時是大湖,煙波浩渺、魚蝦成群;有時又變成了草原,綠草茵茵、牛羊結伴。令人奇怪的是,喬治湖並沒有注入活水,也沒有流出的水路,至今科學家都無法找到湖泊形成又消失的確切原因。 正如故事裡的爺爺所說:“世界上本來就有許多怪事。 作者簡介: Paddy Donnelly is an Irish author & illustrator living in Belgium. He grew up on the north coast of Ireland, surrounded by mythical stories of giants, magical creatures and shape-shifting animals - all set in a stunning landscape from another time. All of this prompted his love for nature, animals, the sea and storytelling. He creates his illustrations digitally, but loves working with a textured, painterly approach. The Vanishing Lake is his debut author illustrated picture book, based on a real lake close to his childhood home in Ireland. He wishes Pluto was still a planet.