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訂購🍀精裝英文STEM知繪本How Colour Works🍀Catherine Barr用通俗易懂的方式講解色彩科學

商品編號:P0077804708983 原始貨號:P0077804708983
$ 385
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How Colour Works 作者:Catherine Barr 裝訂/頁數:精裝/32頁 規格:28.2cm*25.2cm*1cm (高/寬/厚) https://s-cf-tw.shopeesz.com/file/tw-11134202-7qul2-lk0wbnk68r0m52 https://s-cf-tw.shopeesz.com/file/tw-11134202-7qul7-lk0wbns7g47h24 https://s-cf-tw.shopeesz.com/file/tw-11134202-7qul7-lk0wbnyv6dhi5a https://s-cf-tw.shopeesz.com/file/tw-11134202-7qukx-lk0wbomq8uyu2a https://s-cf-tw.shopeesz.com/file/tw-11134202-7qul9-lk0wbostyiq50f https://s-cf-tw.shopeesz.com/file/tw-11134202-7qula-lk0wbp0vmqx28c https://s-cf-tw.shopeesz.com/file/tw-11134202-7quky-lk0wbp7jd00db8 https://s-cf-tw.shopeesz.com/file/tw-11134202-7qul7-lk0wbpfl187a9b https://s-cf-tw.shopeesz.com/file/tw-11134202-7qul5-lk0wbpl4t3rhed The science of colour as you've never seen it before - this captivating book for kids aged 5+ covers key STEAM subjects: science, technology, engineering, art and maths. Why is the sky blue? Why is snow white and darkness black? How do our eyes and brain create a world of colour? Journey through lush green forests, splash into a watery blue ocean, be dazzled by a glowing jungle and see the world through a kaleidoscope of colour in this vibrant gift book. Explained in an accessible way and combined with gorgeous illustrations, this engaging book is perfect for young readers and budding scientists. Catherine Barr studied ecology at Leeds University and trained as a journalist. She worked at Greenpeace International for seven years as a wildlife and forestry campaigner and has a long-running interest in environmental issues. While working as an editor at the Natural History Museum, she researched and wrote two major summer exhibitions. Her previous books include The Story of Life, 10 Reasons to Love . . . and Red Alert! Yuliya Gwilym is a Ukrainian artist based in the Netherlands. She graduated from the Royal Academy of Art in the Hague and has been working as an illustrator ever since. She finds her main inspiration in working with children and often organises creative workshops for little ones.