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現貨🍀精裝英文科普書How Was That Built? 🍀圖解認識世界重大工程/建築師/STEAM教育/力學+美學

商品編號:P0077804708874 原始貨號:P0077804708874
$ 619
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How Was That Built?:The Stories Behind Awesome Structures 出版社:Bloomsbury Publishing PLC 作者:Roma Agrawal 裝訂/頁數:精裝/80頁 規格:23.8cm*30.5cm (高/寬) Join Roma Agrawal, the award-winning structural engineer who worked on The Shard, for an exciting behind-the-scenes look at some of the world's most amazing landmarks. Meet the extraordinary people who challenged our beliefs about what's possible, pioneering remarkable inventions that helped build the Brooklyn Bridge in the US, the Pantheon in Italy, the Burj Khalifa in Dubai, the Shard in England and the Sapporo Dome in Japan. Discover the ingenious methods engineers have come up with to enable us to build underground, underwater, on ice and even in space. And learn about the impact different forces and materials can have on a structure by carrying out your own engineering experiments from the 'Try it at Home' sections. Beautiful and detailed illustrations by Katie Hickey, including cross-sections, skylines and close-ups of engineering techniques in action, provide unique and illuminating perspectives of our most awe-inspiring constructions. Get ready to see the built world around you like never before! 哇!這是怎麼蓋出來的?:會打開的橋、能移動的足球場,神奇的建築工程與美學,跨領域學習最佳科普書 墨西哥的首都大教堂,為什麼每年都會下沉60~80毫米? 世界最高的哈里發塔,是怎麼對抗高處的強風? 非洲最高的凱斯水壩,如何不被強大的水流沖垮? 紐西蘭的特馬陶阿波黑橋,要怎麼打開橋面,讓船通過? 聳入雲霄的哈里發塔、具兩千年歷史的萬神殿、連接紐約曼哈頓和布魯克林區的布魯克林大橋、穿過巴西馬爾山脈的「大隧道」、五小時內就可以從棒球場變足球場的日本札幌巨蛋… 這些坐落在世界各地、令人嘆為觀止的偉大建築,究竟是如何誕生的?背後又有什麼精采的故事、神奇的科學概念呢? 本書帶你走訪世界各地的知名建築,看看工程師如何拯救下沉中的首都大教堂、構思出像哈里發塔與臺北101能夠抗強風或地震的建築結構、巧妙打造出讓橋面翹起、足球場可以抬起移動的各項工程設計。 由結構工程師羅瑪・艾葛拉瓦專業解說,搭配詳細又精美的圖解,不只了解科學、現代科技、建築材料與工具,也能認識偉大工程師故事與國際歷史文化, https://s-cf-tw.shopeesz.com/file/tw-11134202-7qukx-lk0wb3o0yojqa5 https://s-cf-tw.shopeesz.com/file/tw-11134202-7qul6-lk0wb3yug1c690 https://s-cf-tw.shopeesz.com/file/tw-11134202-7qul3-lk0wb48u1f46d8