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訂購🍀Usborne英文自然知識硬頁翻翻書🍀See Inside Oceans【科普自然知識繪本】🍀 缺書店

商品編號:P0077804708868 原始貨號:P0077804708868
$ 369
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See Inside Oceans 系列名:See Inside 作者:Emily Bone 裝訂/頁數:硬頁書/16頁 規格:27.6cm*21.6cm (高/寬) A4紙大小 適讀年齡:小學 Lift the flaps to dive into our oceans and discover millions of incredible plants and creatures, including the biggest and oldest creatures on the planet. Discover a range of habitats, find out just how important the oceans are for life on Earth, and how the things we throw away, and even how we heat our homes, is putting them at risk.