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現貨大開本精裝知識繪本Welcome Home, Beaver🍀Magnus Weightman認識14種動物的生活方式

商品編號:P0077804708862 原始貨號:P0077804708862
$ 528
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Welcome Home, Beaver 作者:Magnus Weightman 裝訂/頁數:精裝/32頁 規格:33cm*24.1cm*2.5cm (高/寬/厚) 藍思閱讀分級: 510L 內容簡介   ★跟著河狸-環遊世界大探險!   ★從北極熊到草原犬鼠,動物的家大不同!   ★大尺寸的圖畫書、擬人化動物角色,認識自然生態有趣又好玩!   河狸決定離家出發去冒險,沿著河流往下走,發現河邊驚嘆的景觀,   進入繁華都市後,突然想家,這時遇上小狗Akita。   小狗Alita邀請河狸,一起搭著熱氣球環遊世界,拜訪各地動物的家。   牠們來到北極圈,發現北極熊、海豹家族是怎麼在冰下築巢,四周還圍繞哪些奇特生物呢?   橡樹地底下四通八達的狐狸穴,有哪些草原鄰居呢?   鸛鳥為什麼在高樓的樓頂築巢,會有怎樣開闊的視野呢?   五顏六色的亭台,不是園丁鳥的巢,那是牠的表演舞台呢!   寄居蟹帶著走的家,有哪些好處呢?   河狸終於找到回家的路,家人感謝冒險狗和小河狸,他們有好多冒險故事要說呢!   帶領小朋友認識橫跨五大洲奇特生物的家,包括了寄居蟹、馬頭魚、草原犬鼠、河狸、北極熊和海豹家族、狐狸、蜜蜂、禾鼠、鸛鳥、蟻丘、織巢鳥、園丁鳥等。   同時也珍惜一同旅行冒險的友誼。   甜美且知識性,一個有關動物居所的故事,充滿華美的插畫和摘要性的知識。   這本書的一切都很棒,包括故事、插圖和事實,對小讀者來說有教育性而且簡單易懂。對小讀者來說,插圖真是有太多細節,但卻不雜亂。   讓河狸帶著小孩和你,用他的熱氣球帶你去世界各地旅行,看看各地的動物不同的生活方式,完美的晚安故事,開啟孩子的想像力,異想天開的圖畫書,強力推薦。 Beaver is seeking adventures, but he has lost the way. Now he wants to go home again. Does he live in that hidden hole underneath an oak tree? In the nest high up on the roof, Or in that big tower of mud. Architect Magnus Weightman takes you along on a visit of numerous fabulous animal dwellings. Will you help Beaver to find his own home? Perhaps it was inevitable that Magnus Weightman (Sunderland, 1974) would one day illustrate his own children's book. Drawing has been a passion since his childhood and it was also the reason he chose to become an architect and urban designer. Becoming a father inspired him to bring his love for drawing, architecture, nature and travel together in his first book. Welcome Home, Beaver is both a journey of discovery of amazing animal houses and an epic search for home. From his English/Norwegian roots Magnus has now made his family home in Rotterdam.