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現貨Nosy Crow有聲書英文幽默繪本Little Mouse's Big Breakfast書上附音檔QR Code

商品編號:P0077804708783 原始貨號:P0077804708783
$ 298
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作者:Christine Pym 裝訂/頁數:平裝/32頁 規格:23.2cm*29.4cm*0.5cm (高/寬/厚) 內容簡介 Nosy Crow 出版社 Stories Aloud 有聲圖畫書系列 每本圖畫書(平裝版)都附有說故事QR-code 肚子好餓的小老鼠,能夠找到他最愛的早餐嗎?   小老鼠肚子餓,要去找早餐吃。他在某戶人家的廚房找到了完美的早餐!接著又發現其他更好的,紅通通的蘋果、脆脆的餅乾、乳酪……,以及他最愛的葵花籽!但是,他還發現,不是只有他在找早餐吃,有一隻很餓的大黑貓也是!   作者克莉絲汀.皮姆是英國插畫家,除了創作童書,也設計卡片、玩具及服飾,畫風可愛、具有童趣,第一本童書作品The Tail of the Whale(《鯨魚尾巴》)即入圍英國童書信託基金會最佳童書。   「富有韻律的文字,結合水彩與色鉛筆插畫,這本可愛的繪本一定會讓小讀者回味再三。」──《柯克斯書評》 Hungry Little Mouse is looking for some breakfast and he knows just where he can find it. Scampering into the kitchen, he finds lots of delicious treats. But as he finally finds something that's just perfect, Little Mouse quickly discovers he's not the only one looking for breakfast! 作者介紹 Christine Pym Christine was born a little before midnight on New Year's Eve in 1984. She has always loved books and as a child could be found trying her best to draw just like Beatrix Potter. She went on to study Illustration for Children's Publishing at the North East Wales School of Art and has been illustrating since she left in 2006. Christine has created illustrations for children's books, cards, toys and clothing with companies based in the UK, US, France and Australia.