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限量現貨🍀精裝英文傳記繪本🍀Monument Maker―Daniel Chester French和林肯紀念堂🍀缺書店

商品編號:P0077804708685 原始貨號:P0077804708685
$ 498
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Monument Maker ― Daniel Chester French and the Lincoln Memorial 作者:Linda Booth Sweeney; Shawn Fields (ILT) 裝訂/頁數:精裝/64頁 0.8KG 規格:29.2cm*24.1cm*1.9cm (高/寬/厚) 藍思閱讀分級: 1080L 以下文字截取自賴嘉陵老師的文章: Daniel Chester French(1850-1931)這個出生於律師、法官家庭的孩子,拒絕與父親、祖父同領域的研讀,甚至表明不喜歡讀書。Monument Maker, Daniel Chester French and the Lincoln Memorial這本書一開始用「History shapes our lives. And what we do with our lives can shape history.」 短短一行就道盡了Dan(簡稱)思索人生的方式。 1865年,林肯遇刺身忙。1867年,Dan他們全家搬到協和市(Concord, MA, USA),這個地方有許多思想家與文學家,如《湖濱散記》的作者亨利・梭羅(1817-1862)、《小婦人》的作者露意莎・梅・艾爾科特(1832-1888)、詩人愛默生(1803-1882)、婦權倡導者富樂(Margaret Fuller, 1810-1850)、《紅字》的作者霍桑(1804-1864),搬到這個城的原因是父親認為這裡的居民比較高知識。不過,Dan還是忙著農作、划船、收成,看似無望的他其實正在人生的開始。有一天,他將剛挖出土的蕪菁雕刻成一隻青蛙;後來參加了寫生課;自己在家捏土做人偶,發覺自己的天賦和喜好。 當協和市為了紀念獨立戰爭一百週年,正在徵求Minuteman的人像設計時,Dan在家做出好幾個樣子,要家人為他選一個去參賽,果然!得到愛默生先先為主席的一群委員們同意,他們希望給這位年輕自學者機會。所以我們現在在美國麻州協和市看到的義勇軍(Minuteman表示隨時可以參戰的一般人)雕像就是Dan的作品。 1875年揭幕時,他已經悄悄到義大利的佛羅倫斯求教雕塑家Thomas Ball了。從小喜歡觀鳥的Dan據說非常擅長天使的翅膀,有興趣搜尋他作品的話,一定要記得找找天使雕像。當然,他越來越投入雕塑,且有一群義大利工匠跟著他。最著名的作品是林肯紀念堂的雕像,他們堆起一塊塊的巨石,從1915年開始歷經七年才完成。之後,有許多著名的演講、抗議都在此進行過。 When Abraham Lincoln was assassinated in 1865, fifteen-year-old Dan French had no way to know that one day his tribute to the great president would transform a plot of Washington, DC marshland into America’s gathering place. He did not even know that a sculptor was something to be. He only knew that he liked making things with his hands. This is the story of how a farmboy became America’s foremost sculptor. After failing at academics, Dan was working the family farm when he idly carved a turnip into a frog and discovered what he was meant to do. Sweeney’s swift prose and Fields’s evocative illustrations capture the single-minded determination with which Dan taught himself to sculpt and launched his career with the famous Minuteman Statue in his hometown of Concord, Massachusetts. This is also the story of the Lincoln Memorial, French’s culminating masterpiece. Thanks to this lovingly created tribute to the towering leader of Dan’s youth, Abraham Lincoln lives on as the man of marble, his craggy face and careworn gaze reminding millions of seekers what America can be. Dan’s statue is no lifeless figure, but a powerful, vital touchstone of a nation’s ideals. Now Dan French has his tribute too, in this exquisite biography that brings history to life for young readers.