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【現貨】贈音檔🍀幽默英文繪本🍀No More Naps🍀透過幽默及反向思考讓孩子領悟睡眠的美好【缺書店】

商品編號:P0077804708624 原始貨號:P0077804708624

$ 338
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No More Naps! ― A Story for When You're Wide-awake and Definitely Not Tired

作者:Chris Grabenstein


藍思閱讀分級: 560L

1 New York Times bestselling powerhouse author of the Mr. Lemoncello books brings his wit and humor to a pint-sized audience in this picture book debut that turns the universal dilemma of getting kids to sleep on its head.

It's time for a nap but, just like stubborn toddlers everywhere, Annalise Devin McFleece won't have anything to do with bedtime. Dad tries to encourage sleepiness by pushing her around the park in her stroller. Along the way, they pass a man sitting on a bench, dog walkers walking dogs, a boy on a skateboard, kids playing ball, a girl practicing her juggling, and others.

Each of them thinks that taking a nap is a great idea and if Annalise Devin McFleece doesn't want hers, they'll happy take it. And one by one, everyone falls asleep...except Annalise Devin McFleece. But when she's finally ready for her nap, all the naps are taken! Is there anyone who has an extra nap to spare?

With every turn of the page, the busy city scene becomes more and more quiet...except for Annalise Devin McFleece.

Will she ever take a nap?




★ 《紐約時報》暢銷作者格拉本斯坦用別出心裁的故事,帶領孩子反向思考,愛上睡眠時光!

★ 《紐約時報》暢銷繪者埃斯皮諾沙用幽默可愛的角色設計,呈現眾人沉沉睡去的幸福模樣,讓人也想好好睡一覺!

★ 令人會心一笑的文字,加上畫中滿滿的幸福睡臉,是送給孩子最助眠的睡前故事!


