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缺書店🍀精裝英文繪本If You Cry like a Fountain【英國版】幽默的口吻引導孩子接受並抒發負面情緒

商品編號:P0077804708603 原始貨號:P0077804708603

作者:Noemi Vola


規格:27.9cm*19.8cm (高/寬) 

$ 580
$ 589
  • 付款方式:
    超商取貨付款 / 線上刷卡 / ATM 轉帳
  • 運送方式:
    常溫7-ELEVEN店到店取貨付款 / 常溫7-ELEVEN店到店取貨不付款


 可以哭嗎?當然可以!哭成讓動物戲水的噴泉、哭成煮麵水(還不用額外加鹽多方便),這本古怪又滑稽的繪本要翻轉哭泣和它帶來的負面聯想。無論看完讓你破涕為笑,或是如書中角色哭到要套上泳圈,最重要的是:學習辨識情緒,並找到好好處理它的方式 。 ::內容簡介:: 一隻傷心的蟲蟲不論怎麼做都停止不了哭泣,眼淚不斷流出來,甚至淹沒了自己。 這時牠的朋友告訴牠:「好吧,要哭就哭吧,但你得哭得更讚一點啊!」 如果你哭得像噴泉,朋友們就能戲水;要是你在午餐時刻剛好情緒來了,正好能拿眼淚煮義大利麵;萬一你在客廳哭了,快拿出拖把拖拖地;哭哭當然也不分季節,在冬天哭的話,等眼淚結冰就可以溜冰囉! 當「哭」無可避免,那就別浪費任何一滴眼淚啦! 悲傷與快樂一樣值得正視,一起來捍衛哭哭正義,包容自己所有的情緒! ★哭吧!哭吧!最幽默的情緒引導繪本★ 全書以幽默的口吻引導孩子接受並抒發負面情緒 。傳遞著「我們會因為各種原因而哭泣,這是正常的,但我們要哭得更棒!」寓意。眼淚的來源可以是感動、驚嚇、難過、失望……等,但多數人慣性將哭泣貼上脆弱、情緒化的負面標籤,忽略眼淚有它的正向作用。 透過書籍內容,期盼帶讀者正視自己的眼淚,珍惜自己每一種寶貴的情緒!


★ 「你要哭?那就哭得更讚一點啊!」故事內容誇張幽默,賦予眼淚各種用途,例如煮義大利麵、拖地、滅火......等。如同孩子般無邊際的創意想像,不斷衝撞僵化的思維,讀來充滿樂趣及愉悅感。如果是你,你想拿眼淚做什麼呢?


★ 此書內容相當適合親子共讀,甚至讀給正在哭泣的孩子,幫助轉移焦慮與不安、破涕為笑,轉換情緒後,還能延伸討論更多眼淚的奇妙用途,刺激孩子的想像力與創造力。

A quirky and surprisingly funny picture book about the many practical uses for tears, for fans of Big Feelings. In an attempt to cheer up a sad-looking worm, a narrator makes things worse by causing the worm to cry. But in the process of trying to make the sobbing worm feel better, the narrator starts to think of the various ways tears can be used productively. For example, if you’re sad around lunchtime, cry until you fill a pot with your tears and boil pasta ― you won’t even need to season with salt! Crying can be used to dilute paint, and with paint, you can make beautiful art. Crying also serves lots of different purposes. Without tears, the rivers would dry up. Clouds would keep getting bigger and bigger. And crying also helps the pears to grow, and with pears, you can make jam. Jam makes people happy, and can help staunch the flow of tears . . . at least until the jam runs out! Join a tearful worm and a bungling narrator as they explore the many uses for tears in this hilarious and quirky picture book by up-and-coming author-illustrator Noemi Vola.