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經典英文繪本🍀I am angry🍀Michael Rosen & Robert Starling情緒教育【缺書店】

商品編號:P0077804708535 原始貨號:P0077804708535
$ 288
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I Am Angry 出版社:Walker Books Ltd 作者:Michael Rosen 裝訂/頁數:平裝/32頁 規格:25cm*26cm (高/寬) 出版日:2022/07/07 The first in a funny new series from former Children's Laureate Michael Rosen and rising star Robert Starling. This kitten may look cute and cuddly, but better beware: they're angry. Really angry. Angry, angry, angry! And this isn't any old "angry". This is a jump-up-and-down, roll-on-the-ground kind of angry. This is a spider-scaring, tiger-scaring kind of angry. This is a burst-balloon-ing, SQUASH-THE-MOON-ING kind of angry... As surreal as things may get, this is also the kind of angry that parents of toddlers will recognize - a bad mood which comes out of nowhere, escalates wildly, then disappears as suddenly as it arrived. Based on the popular poem from A Great Big Cuddle, I Am Angry combines Michael Rosen's brilliant rhymes and anarchic imagination, Robert Starling's perfect knack for character and a reassuring message: anger may feel overpowering, but it doesn't last for ever.