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贈音檔🍀平裝經典英文繪本The Kissing Hand🍀Audrey Penn解決孩子分離焦慮最佳圖畫書🍀缺書店

商品編號:P0077804708336 原始貨號:P0077804708336

【缺書店】店主LINE ID:susanliang2016,  歡迎問詢!

The Kissing Hand (分離焦慮)

作者:Audrey Penn


規格:25.4cm*20.3cm*0.6cm (高/寬/厚)

藍思閱讀分級: 540L

$ 265
$ 268
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 School is starting in the forest, but Chester Raccoon does not want to go. To help ease Chester's fears, Mrs. Raccoon shares a family secret called the Kissing Hand to give him the reassurance of her love any time his world feels a little scary.

Since its first publication in 1993, this heartwarming book has become a children's classic that has touched the lives of millions of children and their parents, especially at times of separation, whether starting school, entering daycare, or going to camp. It is widely used by kindergarten teachers on the first day of school. Stickers at the back will help children and their parents keep their Kissing Hand alive.

一個留在掌心的神奇 一心想待在家的小浣熊奇奇,不肯上學去,浣熊媽媽拉起兒子的手,輕輕地在他的手掌心裡親一下。奇奇感覺媽媽的吻好像貫穿他的手,溫暖了整個心。

這本溫暖的書,同時給了父母和孩子面對轉變的勇氣 ? 小浣熊奇奇,站在森林邊哭泣,他對浣熊媽媽說:「我不想上學」「我想和你留在家裡,跟我的朋友玩遊戲,玩我的玩具,看我的書……」。

許許多多的小小孩,第一次上學(幼兒園或小學),都不是很順利,因為「轉變」,從“家裡”轉變到“學校”,從“一個人獨處”轉變到“和很多人相處”,從“獨享”轉變到“共享” ……這麼多的轉變,不要說是小小孩,有時連大人都必須適應一段時間,上班也記掛著:「孩子在學校,會不會發生什麼事?」,慎選學校又是另一個課題。


本書迴響 .解決孩子分離焦慮的最佳圖畫書 .紐約時報童書暢銷排行榜第一名 .美國學校、圖書館和兒童醫院的暢銷書 .美國多數幼稚園、小學新生入學第一天非講不可的故事