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贈音檔現貨🍀平裝英文傳記繪本Listen:How Evelyn Glennie🍀聽障打擊樂演奏家伊芙琳·格倫妮【缺書店】

商品編號:P0077804708318 原始貨號:P0077804708318
$ 328
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小店分享店主購買的有聲書 Listen:How Evelyn Glennie, a Deaf Girl, Changed Percussion 作者:Shannon Stocker 裝訂/頁數:平裝/40頁 規格:21.9cm*26cm*3cm (高/寬/厚) https://s-cf-tw.shopeesz.com/file/tw-11134202-7qul7-lk0w5usrb6fhb0 https://s-cf-tw.shopeesz.com/file/tw-11134202-7qul4-lk0w5v1mws7a8d https://s-cf-tw.shopeesz.com/file/tw-11134202-7qul3-lk0w5vbwhrd296 https://s-cf-tw.shopeesz.com/file/tw-11134202-7qul6-lk0w5via8f2l4a https://s-cf-tw.shopeesz.com/file/tw-11134202-7qul0-lk0w5vprxghyd6 https://s-cf-tw.shopeesz.com/file/tw-11134202-7qul8-lk0w5vx9mhqlf1 https://s-cf-tw.shopeesz.com/file/tw-11134202-7qula-lk0w5w47ccb133 https://s-cf-tw.shopeesz.com/file/tw-11134202-7qula-lk0w5wal307a13 商品簡介: This inspiring picture book tells the true story of world-famous deaf percussionist Dame Evelyn Glennie. This is a story of music. Of obstacles. Of strength and hard work. Of all you can accomplish when you dream. As a child, Evelyn Glennie's ears began to hurt. Voices became distant whispers. Ringing phones sounded like muffled crunches in her ears. But when she was told that she would need to wear hearing aids for the rest of her life, Evelyn was determined that this this would never stop her from playing music. Instead of giving up on her dreams, Evelyn found new ways to listen... With stunning illustrations from Devon Holzwarth, and a special note from Evelyn Glennie herself, this is the perfect book to inspire children to never give up on their dreams.