They Just Keep
THE HUNGER GAMES TRIBUTE GUIDE ════════════════════ |
Seife Emily "For there to be betrayal, there would have to have been trust first." —— Suzanne Collins, The Hunger Games |
施惠國第七十四屆饑餓遊戲 該書介紹廿四位貢品參加施惠國第七十四屆飢餓遊戲的情形。讀者可跟著各貢品一同經歷抽籤日、訓練中心、訪談等等。該書還會獨家透露以下資料:各貢品的優勢與劣勢、他們選擇的武器,以及他們進入競技場之前在都城的體驗。 歡迎來到施惠國,《飢餓遊戲》的世界。本書堪稱最權威、豐富圖解的全彩貢品導覽書,為您詳細介紹第七十四屆飢餓遊戲廿四位參 者。提供各貢品完整個人資料、羅列其優劣勢、所配備之武器以及各人先前於都城的生活點滴。當然包括大家所喜愛的偶像凱妮絲.艾佛丁詳細個人介紹。一本《飢餓遊戲》書、影迷必備寶典。 飢餓遊戲三部曲的時間設定在大災難後的北美洲,一個自廢墟建立起的國家「施惠國」(Panem)之中。在那場吞噬大片土地與人口的災難後,施惠國自廢墟中誕生,並建立起十三個行政區,以建立在洛磯山脈的「都城」(The Capitol)為中心實施統治。在施惠國建立後不久,負責供應都城各項天然資源與產品的十三個行政區發動叛變,進入施惠國歷史上的「黑暗時期」。然而,叛變迅速被都城以高科技與優勢軍力鎮壓,叛亂中心第十三區更被都城以核武器弭平,以示懲戒。 為了懲罰發動叛亂的各行政區,都城要求所有行政區每年都必須派出一對少年少女「貢品」到競技場參加「飢餓遊戲」(The Hunger Games),同時透過電視轉播播出「貢品」們的比賽過程,藉以打擊行政區的反抗意識。除了比賽開始前六十秒不可踏離原地和吃人外,遊戲沒有任何規則,包括殺人也不受限制,而最後存活的貢品即為勝利者。勝利者可以從此一生衣食無憂。 LADIES AND GENTLEMEN,
THE TIME HAS COME… WELCOME TO PANEM'S SEVENTY-FOURTH HUNGER GAMES The New York Times bestselling Hunger Games is now a major motion picture --- and here is the ultimate guide to the all the tributes in the 74th annual Hunger Games. Here is the ultimate guide to the twenty-four Tributes participating in Panem's 74th annual Hunger Games. Follow the Tributes' journey from the Reaping to the Games, with a look at all the highlights along the way---the Tribute Parade, the stations of the Training Center, the interviews, and more. Get exclusive information about the Tributes' strengths and weaknesses, their weapons of choice, and their experience in the Capitol before entering the arena. |
■蘇珊.柯林斯/Suzanne Collins Suzanne Collins has had a successful and prolific career writing for children's television. She has worked on the staffs of several Nickelodeon shows, including the Emmy-nominated hit Clarissa Explains It All and The Mystery Files of Shelby Woo. Collins made her mark in children's literature with the New York Times bestselling five-book series for middle-grade readers The Underland Chronicles, which has received numerous accolades in both the United States and abroad. In the award-winning The Hunger Games trilogy, Collins continues to explore the effects of war and violence on those coming of age. Collins lives with her family in Connecticut. |
作者:西菲.艾蜜莉/Seife Emily 系列:The Hunger Games 規格:平裝/Paperback,13.4 x 21.2 x 1.3 cm,128頁 出版商:Scholastic 出版日期:2012年01月01日 語言:英文 ISBN-13:978-0-545-45782-8 非新品書緣微泛黃,附保護書套,不介意物品狀況再行購買。 Condition: Good. Pre-owned book in good condition. No obvious damage to the cover, with the dust jacket. No missing or damaged pages, no creases or tears, and no underlining/highlighting of text or writing in the margins. With dust jacket. 探索無窮盡的奇幻世界~~ 飢餓遊戲的世界 The World of the Hunger Games 蘇珊柯林斯 Suzanne Collins 設定集 ★消費滿額可享免運優惠★
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