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商品編號:P3929705766704 原始貨號:P3929705766704
$ 109
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【職人魂】輪胎泡沫清潔亮光蠟(英國梨蒼蘭) 容量 : 220mL 建議售價 : 109 元 特    性 本產品是採用最新科技配方研發製成的優良產品,使用方便不沾手,只要輕輕一噴,馬上清潔、光亮如新, 並可保護輪胎, 不用擦拭,泡沫自動將污垢垂流地面,不傷害輪胎及褪色。 This product is an excellent product developed with the latest scientific and technological formula. It is easy to use and does not stick to the hands. Just spray it lightly, it will immediately clean and shine like new, and it can protect the tires. No need to wipe, the foam will automatically flow the dirt to the ground without harming tires and fading.   使用範圍  汽車輪胎、一般輪胎表面保養。 Car tire, general tire surface maintenance.   使用方式  【Dry Operation 乾式操作】●優點:亮度效果更加倍! 1.使用前,用洗車精把輪胎清洗乾淨。 2.將本產品搖均勻,噴頭對準輪胎壁約10~15公分處均勻噴灑輪胎壁一圈,讓表面充滿泡沫蠟。3.靜置約10分鐘泡沫吸附,自然風乾即告完成。 *如果有部分垂流到輪圈上面的泡沫蠟,可以用乾淨的布擦拭,即可增加鋼圈亮度。 【Wet Operation 濕式操作】●優點:省去清潔的動作,方便又省時! 1.將本產品搖均勻,噴頭對準輪胎壁約10~15公分處均勻噴灑輪胎壁一圈,讓表面充滿泡沫蠟。2.靜置約10分鐘泡沫吸附。 3.用水將整個輪胎(包含輪圈)沖洗一次即可。 【Dry Operation - 乾式操作】 1.Before use, clean the tire with a car wash solution. 2.Shake the product well and spray it evenly on the tire sidewall, about 10-15 centimeters away from the surface, to create a foam wax layer. Ensure that the entire tire sidewall is covered. 3.Allow the foam to sit for approximately 10 minutes to absorb. Let it air dry naturally. If any foam wax drips onto the wheel surface, you can wipe it off with a clean cloth to enhance the shine of the wheel. 【Wet Operation - 濕式操作】 1.Shake the product well and spray it evenly on the tire sidewall, about 10-15 centimeters away from the surface, to create a foam wax layer. 2.Allow the foam to sit for approximately 10 minutes to absorb. 3.Rinse the entire tire (including the wheel) with water.   注意事項  ●禁止用於食品。 ●請在通風良好處使用。 ●請儲放於陰涼乾燥處,並避免陽光直射。 ●請勿放置於兒童容易取得之處。 ●請遠離火源、食物、飲品,並避免誤食。 ●如不慎觸及眼睛,請以大量清水沖洗,當刺激持續請盡速就醫。 ●第一次使用請先在不顯眼處測試,對未適當使用之物品造成任何直接或間接及偶發傷害,不負法律責任。 若本產品有任何瑕疵,提供正常品換貨。   主要成分 二甲基硅油、界面活性劑、保護劑、推進氣、高級香料 Dimethyl Silicone Oil、Surfactant、Protective Agent、Propellant、Premium Fragrance