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BlackPearl 黑珍珠 玻璃潑水劑/玻璃鍍膜撥水劑/油膜清潔劑/玻璃防霧劑

商品編號:P3929705766698 原始貨號:P3929705766698
$ 99
  • 黑珍珠玻璃防霧劑
  • 黑珍珠玻璃潑水劑
  • 黑珍珠玻璃鍍膜撥水劑
  • 黑珍珠油膜清潔劑
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撥水劑 Water Repellent Water repellent 玻璃鍍膜撥水液 採用日本原料,特殊鍍膜層能填滿細孔,使雨水不易附著,在時速60km/h以上達到撥水效果。 特   性 本劑使用特殊撥水配方,能將玻璃表面微細孔填滿,使水份不易附著,當時速在60km/h 以上能使雨滴飛散,達到免用雨刷之效果,可使用在汽車擋風玻璃、後視鏡等。 Special formula for micropore filling on glass surfaces. Free of water adhesion on windshields and side mirrors. No need for use of windscreen wipers when rain impacting at car speed over 60km/h. This agent utilizes a special water repellent fomula, where the micropores on the glass surface are filled up, so that water cannot adhere to the glass. At speed above 60km/h, the rain drops will flow off and windshield wipers is not needed. Usable on automobile windshields and rearview mirrors. 油膜清潔劑 Oil Film Cleaner Oil film cleaner   特   性 本劑能將頑固的油漬、玻璃污垢及蟲屍徹底清除,不含氨,不會造成有色的防眩玻璃褪色也不會對車體表面造成傷害,能讓玻璃更光滑,在雨天行駛時雨刷更加順暢、汽車擋風玻璃更加清晰明亮。 玻璃防霧劑 Glass Anti-fog Agent Glass anti-fogging agent   特   性 強力有效地防止擋風玻璃上產生霧氣,讓雨天及晚上駕駛者有更清楚的視線,安全駕駛,以防事故產生。 亦可使用在後視鏡上,可防水氣留在鏡面上。     使用範圍 汽車擋風玻璃、後視鏡、或汽車其他玻璃、一般家用玻璃、浴廁鏡面、各種玻璃面等。 It is applicable to the window shied, rearview mirror of automobile, or the other glass of automobile, glass for general home appliance, mirror of toilet and varieties of glass surface, etc. Automobile windshield, rearview mirror, or other glass surface on the car, as well as general glass surfaces at home, or in the bathroom.   使用方式 1.先將雨刷桿拉起,將擋風玻璃連同雨刷片清潔乾淨,並將水份擦乾。 2.直接將本劑少量噴於玻璃表面。 3.用乾布擦拭均勻至光亮即告完成。 Pull up the windscreen wipers first, and wipe clean wipers and windshields. After the glass surface dries, spray the agent on it and wipe in circles with dry rags. Wait for 3-5 minutes till the surface is dry, and polish with dry rags or tissue papers. 1. Raise the windshield wipers, clean the windshield glass and the blade of the wiper properly, and wipe away all moisture. 2. Lightly spray the agent onto the glass surface 3. Wipe with a dry cloth evenly until the glass shines.   注意事項 ●禁止用於食品。 ●請在通風良好處使用。 ●請儲放於陰涼乾燥處,並避免陽光直射。 ●請勿放置於兒童容易取得之處。 ●請遠離火源、食物、飲品,並避免誤食。 ●如不慎觸及眼睛,請以大量清水沖洗,當刺激持續請盡速就醫。 ●第一次使用請先在不顯眼處測試,對未適當使用之物品造成任何直接或間接及偶發傷害,不負法律責任。 若本產品有任何瑕疵,提供正常品換貨。   主要成分 界面活性劑Surfactant surfactant 高活性濃縮撥水劑High reactivity concentrated water repellant highly active concentrated water repellent 玻璃保護劑Glass coating glass protection agent