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    • 0619-0626-夏單節-$2999折$300
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美國原裝進口PIPEDREAM.Fetish Fantasy系列-SM豪華束縛靠枕

商品編號:P2123603238855 原始貨號:P2123603238855
$ 1,999
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    超商取貨付款 / 線上刷卡 / 刷卡分期 / ATM 轉帳
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    常溫7-ELEVEN店到店取貨付款 / 常溫7-ELEVEN店到店取貨不付款 / 宅配


Fetish Fantasy Series - Deluxe Position Master with Cuffs Let your imagination take you beyond your physical limits with the incredible Deluxe Position Master with Cuffs. This inflatable position pillow has a hollow center designed to anchor a super strong nylon strap, which then connects to a pair of heavy-duty metal cuffs. Once your subject is bent over the wedge-shaped pillow and strapped in, theyre unable to move or escape while their hands are cuffed to the straps heavy-duty O-ring centerpiece. The inflatable wedge allows you to explore and enjoy new positions you never thought were possible, all while your subject is comfortably restrained! The velvety-soft flocked vinyl feels great against your skin and its made to play hard. Insert the nylon strap through the Position Master while its deflated, then inflate the wedge and adjust the strap to fit snugly around your partner. The thick nylon strap features a plastic clip and buckle to prevent your lover from escaping, and the metal cuffs feature quick release levers just in case you lose the keys. The air seal valve makes inflating the wedge a snap, and when the fun is over, simply deflate the Position Master and its ready to go where you go. Its perfect for those romantic getaways and no one will know whats in your bag! 美國成人玩具第一大廠PIPEDREAM所推出的-Deluxe Position Master with Cuffs - SM束縛靠枕 充氣式的三角型靠枕,中間部份設計了一個圓孔,將束縛尼能繩穿過後,就成了SM專用的束縛道具,三角形的設計是經過人體工學設計,除了可承受重達300磅的重量,三角形的設計可以在這上面進行正常體位或是後背體位,再搭配捆綁道具可以實現各種想像,如此豐富的玩法,就連SM資深玩家都大呼特別,而方便攜帶的充氣式設計也讓它適合外出旅行攜帶,最極致的感官剌激,挑起你的性慾用於性愛行動中,體驗不一樣的情趣........ ■美國原裝進口,品質保證。 ■材質:PVC、尼龍、金屬。 ■規格: 詳如圖片標示。 ■商品內容: 充氣靠枕×1、高級眼罩×1,金屬手銬×1。 ■注意: SM道具請以安全、清醒、非強迫為使用原則, 使用前請先徵得對方的同意。