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紐西蘭Settlers 麥蘆卡百花蜂蜜MGO100+ 500g

商品編號:P1394801588977 原始貨號:1004

Origin: Makowhai Multifloral 100+ is a Mānuka Blend cleverly crafted by the bees from a mix of Mānuka and Native New Zealand Bush, flowering at the same time.

Taste: It is deliciously creamy with a unique depth of flavour due to the diverse mix of native florals. The Native NZ bush give the honey a butterscotch, caramel like sweetness while the Mānuka provides a mild savoury tang.

Use: Perfect for everyday use, enjoy it by the spoonful, in drinks and smoothies, on toast or bread or to enhance your favourite dish. It also pairs beautifully with creamy cheeses.

Mānuka content: Classified as a Multifloral Mānuka by MPI standards with an MGO content of 100+: at least 100mg/kg MGO

Quality: Contains 100% pure New Zealand Honey, nothing else. Every jar of our honey can be traced back to the original apiary(s) that it originated from. It is also independently tested and verified batch by batch to identify the unique characteristics and ensure it meets our high quality standards

$ 980
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產品名稱:紐西蘭 Settlers 麥蘆卡百花蜂蜜 MGO100+ 500g

Settlers 麥蘆卡百花蜂蜜 MGO100+ 500g 是我們最受歡迎的產品之一,這瓶蜂蜜為您提供了紐西蘭原始麥蘆卡花與其他多種野花的完美結合,營造出深度豐富且風味獨特的口感。


我們的 Settlers 麥蘆卡百花蜂蜜 MGO100+ 承載了紐西蘭自然的美好,我們的蜜蜂在純淨無污染的環境中採集花粉,並將之轉化為這瓶濃郁的蜂蜜,讓您在品嚐的同時,仿佛置身於紐西蘭壯闊的大自然之中。


每一瓶 Settlers 麥蘆卡百花蜂蜜都經過嚴格的質量控制和檢驗,確保符合最高的質量標準。讓 Settlers 麥蘆卡百花蜂蜜 MGO100+ 500g 成為您生活中的一部分,享受甜蜜健康的每一刻。