• 商品:240
  • 加入時間:2023-06-01
  • 評價:5.0 / 5.0
  • 購買人次:30人
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    • 0619-0626-夏單節-$2999折$300
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    • 0619-0626-夏單節-超取免運

[物聯汪汪] 含稅附發票~ B-STLINK-ISOL STLINK-V3SET 隔離電壓適配板

商品編號:P0510707105511 原始貨號:P0510707105511

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$ 1,650
$ 1,750
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詳盡技術資料請見原廠或供應商 https://www.st.com/en/development-tools/b-stlink-isol.html [ https://www.st.com/en/development-tools/b-stlink-isol.html ]  料號:B-STLINK-ISOL


The B-STLINK-ISOL board is an additional module for STLINK-V3SET, performing galvanic isolation and voltage adaptation for STM32 microcontroller targets running below 3.3 V down to 1.65 V. The module can be enclosed directly in the original STLINK-V3SET casing, when used as an STM32 debugging probe (JTAG/SWD/SWV/VCP) through the STDC14 connector. It can be also inserted between the STLINK-V3SET main board (MB1441) and its adapter board (MB1440) when providing access to bridge signals and other connectors.
B-STLINK-ISOL does not support STM8 targets, for which voltage adaptation is performed on the baseline adapter board (MB1440) provided with the STLINK-V3SET.


All features

  • 1.65 V - 3.3 V voltage adapter and galvanic isolation board for STLINK-V3SET
  • 2.5 kVrms insulation rating; 300 Vrms basic insulation working voltage per IEC 62368‑1:2014
  • Input/output isolation and level shifters for STM32 debug SWD, SWV, and JTAG signals
  • Input/output isolation and level shifters for VCP Virtual COM port (UART) signals
  • Input/output isolation and level shifters for bridge (SPI/UART/I2C/CAN/GPIOs) signals
  • Closed casing when using the STDC14 connector (STM32 SWD, SWV, and VCP)
  • Connection compatible with the STLINK-V3SET adapter board (MB1440) for STM32 microcontrollers JTAG and bridge