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[物聯汪汪] 附發票~ST原廠官方國際版ST LINK ST-LINK V2除錯燒錄器STM8 STM32

商品編號:P0510705728985 原始貨號:P0510705728985

本賣場商品一律含稅開發票,需要統編者請下單後備註公司名及統編即可! 本店近新店捷運總站,歡迎大家來店自取,需要自取的請留言聯絡!

$ 950
$ 999
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詳盡技術資料請見原廠或供應商 https://www.st.com/en/development-tools/st-link-v2.html [ https://www.st.com/en/development-tools/st-link-v2.html ]  料號:ST-LINK/V2

***請注意: 本產品出貨前皆會簡單測試並記錄序號, 測試後將提供測試報告供賣家參考, 謝謝!


真正 ST 原廠製造銷售的官方國際版是白色藍底盒裝,即我們上架銷售的版本!另有他人銷售白底黃圖上帶灰階女子圖片盒裝的授權中國區域版本,兩者大不相同!



因為曾有客戶回報向他人購得的授權中國版本發生相容問題,只好再次花錢向我們購買真正的官方國際版!如果您不想浪費時間、金錢解決這類擾人困擾,ST-LINK V2 官方國際版是您唯一的選擇!


官方正版的 ST-LINK/V2 支援寬電壓範圍的 Target VCC(1.65V ~ 5.5V),故請務必詳閱 UM1075 ST-LINK/V2 in-circuit debugger/programmer for STM8 and STM32 User manual 中的 pinout 定義說明。

正版通常需要將 Target VCC 供應給 ST-LINK/V2 做邏輯準位判斷的電壓依據!但是某些山寨版本會把這些 pins 定義成對 target board 輸出供電!

正版與山寨兩者電流方向完全相反!!!必須特別注意!!!不要跑來向我們質疑正版 ST-LINK/V2 有產品問題,那是山寨胡搞瞎搞,OK?!


又商品照片左方是 ST-LINK/V2 標準板,一般客戶只要購買此標準版即可。而圖片右方是 ST-LINK/V2-ISOL 1000Vrms 高電壓數位隔離版本!

The ST-LINK/V2 is an in-circuit debugger and programmer for the STM8 and STM32 microcontrollers. The single-wire interface module (SWIM) and JTAG/serial wire debugging (SWD) interfaces are used to communicate with any STM8 or STM32 microcontroller located on an application board. In addition to providing the same functionalities as the ST-LINK/V2, the ST-LINK/V2-ISOL features digital isolation between the PC and the target application board. It also withstands voltages of up to 1000 Vrms.

 [ https://www.st.com/en/development-tools/st-link-v2.html# ]

STM8 applications use the USB full-speed interface to communicate with the ST Visual Develop (STVD-STM8) or ST Visual Programmer (STVP-STM8) software, or with integrated development environments from third-parties.
STM32 applications use the USB full-speed interface to communicate with the STM32CubeIDE software tool or with integrated development environments from third-parties.


  • 5 V power supplied by a USB connector
  • USB 2.0 full-speed compatible interface
  • USB Type-A to Mini-B cable provided
  • SWIM specific features:
    • 1.65 V to 5.5 V application voltage support on the SWIM interface
    • SWIM low-speed and high-speed modes support
    • SWIM programming speed rates: 9.7 kbyte/s in low-speed, 12.8 kbyte/s in high-speed
    • SWIM cable for connection to an application with an ERNI standard connectorVertical connector reference: 284697 or 214017Horizontal connector reference: 214012
    • SWIM cable for connection to an application with pin headers or 2.54 mm pitch connector
  • JTAG/serial wire debug (SWD) specific features:
    • 1.65 V to 3.6 V application voltage support on the JTAG/SWD interface and 5 V tolerant inputs
    • JTAG cable for connection to a standard JTAG 20-pin 2.54 mm pitch connector
    • JTAG support
    • SWD and serial wire viewer (SWV) communication support
  • Direct firmware update support (DFU)
  • Status LED blinking during the communication with the PC
  • Operating temperature from 0 °C to 50 °C
  • 1000 Vrms high isolation voltage (ST-LINK/V2-ISOL only)