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[物聯汪汪] 含稅附發票~ Nordic nRF5340-DK 正式版開發套件,非舊版 PDK

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詳盡技術資料請見原廠或供應商連結 https://www.nordicsemi.com/Software-and-tools/Development-Kits/NRF5340-DK [ https://www.nordicsemi.com/Software-and-tools/Development-Kits/NRF5340-DK ] 單品料號:NRF5340-DK

nRF5340在一低功耗的多協定SoC之中結合了高性能應用處理器與兼具完全可程式化的超低功耗網路處理器、以及先進的信任根(Root of Trust)和信任執行安全功能(Trusted Execution Security),可用於專業照明、工業自動化、高級的穿戴式設備和其他復雜的物聯網應用

nRF5340在Nordic經過驗證並已獲全球廣泛採用的nRF51和nRF52系列多協定SoC的基礎上打造,同時還引入了具有高級安全功能的靈活新型雙處理器硬體架構。nRF5340可支援主要的RF通訊協定,包括藍牙5.1 /低功耗藍牙 (Bluetooth® Low Energy /Bluetooth LE)、藍牙 Mesh、Thread和Zigbee。
nRF5340 SoC的設計讓它的工作溫度擴展至105oC,再加上多協定支援和先進的安全功能,使它非常適合專業的照明和工業應用。此外,SoC的高性能應用處理器及其具備的大容量512 KB RAM可滿足下一代複雜的穿戴式設備需求。QSPI介面能夠以96 MHz的頻率與外部記憶體通訊,而為了與顯示器或複雜的感測器通訊,另整合了一組32 MHz的高速SPI介面。
nRF5340針對最高級別的安全性而導入了ArmTrustZone®的Arm CryptoCell-312技術和安全密鑰儲存。最常見的網際網路加密標準可使用Arm CryptoCell-312來進行硬體加速,而Arm TrustZone在單一核心上建立安全和非安全的代碼執行區,為可信任軟體提供系統範圍的硬體隔離。nRF5340的組合式安全功能可實現高級信任根和安全的韌體更新,同時保護SoC不會受到惡意攻擊。
nRF5340以雙Arm®Cortex®-M33處理器為基礎;其一是運行速度高達128 MHz(510 CoreMark) 的高性能應用處理器,具備專用的1 MB快閃記憶體、512 KB RAM,以及一顆完全可程式化的超低功耗網路處理器,運行速度為64 MHz(238 CoreMark),具有專用的256 KB快閃記憶體和64 KB RAM。功能強大的應用處理器能效比極高(65 CoreMark / mA),具有8 KB 的2路相聯快取,具有DSP和浮點功能,並提供電壓和頻率縮放選項;該應用處理器整合了Arm TrustZone的Arm Cryptocell-312和安全密鑰儲存的高級安全功能,以及各種周邊介面,包括NFC、USB、QSPI和高速SPI。而完全可程式化的網路處理器有更高的能效比(101 CoreMark / mA),並且還針對無線電操作和低工作週期感測器資料蒐集的低功耗性能進行了最佳化。對網路處理器的可程式化存取亦實現了2.4 GHz私有協定,確保可從nRF51和nRF52系列移植程式的可攜性。
nRF5340整合了新的功率最佳化且多協定的2.4 GHz無線電,其TX電流為3.2 mA(0 dBm TX功率,3 V,DC / DC),RX電流為2.6 mA(3 V,DC / DC)。休眠狀態電流可低至1.1 µA。這款SoC具有增強的動態多協定支援,可支援低功耗藍牙和藍牙 Mesh / Thread / Zigbee同時運作,並透過使用低功耗藍牙的智慧手機進行入網/配置 (provisioning/commissioning),及與Mesh網路通訊。此無線電具有所有藍牙 5.1的方位尋向功能。nRF5340可在1.7至5.5 V的電源電壓範圍內工作,可以由充電電池和USB供電。這款SoC還針對32 MHz和32.762 kHz石英震盪器整合了耦合電容,與Nordic的nRF52系列相比,所需的外部零件數量減少了四個,從而減少材料清單(BOM)和縮小解決方案的尺寸。
nRF5340的軟體開發套件nRF Connect SDK可提供完整的解決方案,它整合有Zephyr RTOS、低功耗藍牙協定堆疊、應用範例和硬體驅動程式。nRF Connect SDK是經過驗證的解決方案,已用於開發建立在nRF9160 SiP的商業產品。現在,由於增加了對nRF5340的支援,此SDK統一了低功耗蜂巢式物聯網和低功耗、短距離無線的開發。nRF Connect SDK公開在GitHub上,由Git提供原始碼管理,並附帶免費的SEGGER Embedded Studio IDE支援。Nordic還推出了一款價格實惠的nRF5340工程開發套件nRF5340 DK。它開放了所有nRF5340的功能和GPIO,而隨同的板載SEGGER J-Link除錯器可用來對SoC進行程式燒錄和除錯。
Nordic Semiconductor產品管理總監Kjetil Holstad表示:「藍牙、Thread、Zigbee和其他低功耗無線技術現在是構成物聯網的關鍵部分。開發人員已經在開發建立於高度複雜應用的未來商業產品,這些應用包括不動產科技、定位服務、醫療、智慧家庭和工業物聯網。這些應用不僅需要更高的運算能力和更高的安全性,而且開發人員期望Nordic的無線解決方案仍能保持緊緻和高能效的特性。」
他進一步指出:「nRF5340 SoC的設計可滿足這些需求以及更多其他的需求。該產品是Nordic在超低功耗無線領域累積數十年經驗的結晶,也結合了過去七年從開發和支援nRF51和nRF52系列所吸取到的經驗,並且也可能是全球最有經驗低功耗無線研發團隊在焦點產品開發上多年來的努力成果。nRF5340和nRF Connect SDK相結合,使開發人員可以輕鬆建構目前為止尚無法實現的無線應用。」

The nRF5340 DK is the development kit for the nRF5340 System-on-Chip (SoC) [ https://www.nordicsemi.com/Products/Low-power-short-range-wireless/nRF5340 ] , containing everything needed to get started with development, on a single board.

The DK supports development with an extensive range of wireless protocols. It supports Bluetooth Low Energy with features such as high-throughput 2 Mbps, Advertising Extensions and Long Range. Mesh protocols like Bluetooth mesh, Thread and Zigbee can run concurrently with Bluetooth Low Energy, enabling smartphones to provision, commission, configure and control mesh nodes. NFC, ANT, 802.15.4 and 2.4 GHz proprietary protocols are also supported.

The DK is bundled with an NFC antenna that quickly enables testing of nRF5340’s NFC-A tag functionality. A SEGGER J-Link debugger is on the board, enabling full-blown programming and debugging, of both the nRF5340 SoC and external targets.

All analog and digital interfaces, and GPIOs are available via headers and edge connectors. The kit is Arduino Uno Rev3 hardware compatible, meaning it can be easily interfaced with external device shields.

Four buttons and four LEDs simplify input and output to and from the nRF5340 SoC, and are all user-programmable. An on-board external memory is connected to the 96 MHz QSPI peripheral in the nRF5340 SoC.

The nRF5340 DK is typically powered via USB, but can be powered by a wide range of sources, within the supply range of 1.7 to 5.0 V. In addition to USB, it can be powered with external source, but also includes a CR2032 battery holder and a Li-Po battery connector, for in-field testing. Current consumption can be measured by using the dedicated current measurement pins, for example by using Nordic's Power Profiler Kit II [ https://www.nordicsemi.com/Software-and-tools/Development-Tools/Power-Profiler-Kit-2 ] .

The nRF Connect SDK [ https://www.nordicsemi.com/Software-and-tools/Software/nRF-Connect-SDK ] is the software development kit for the nRF5340 SoC, and it has board support for the nRF5340 DK. It supports software development of Bluetooth Low Energy, Thread and Zigbee applications. It integrates the Zephyr RTOS, protocol stacks, samples, hardware drivers and much more.

Hardware layout and schematics for the nRF5340 DK are available under Downloads.

Looking for the nRF5340 Preview Development Kit (PDK)? The nRF5340 DK replaces the nRF5340 PDK, but you can still find its product page here [ https://www.nordicsemi.com/Software-and-tools/Development-Kits/nRF5340-PDK ] .

 Download nRF5340 DK product brief [PDF] [ https://www.nordicsemi.com/-/media/Software-and-other-downloads/Product-Briefs/nRF5340-DK-PB-10.pdf?la=en&hash=654483BFDA165BC2C68B442A821EBC143CB4B513 ]


Learn more from our experts


We have several webinars covering topics as Bluetooth, Thread and Zigbee
available on-demand. Grab a coffee and enjoy!


 [ https://bit.ly/2ZY9Hol ]





with the nRF5340 SoC

nRF5340 SoC

Dual-core Bluetooth 5.2 SoC supporting Bluetooth Low Energy, Bluetooth mesh, NFC, Thread and Zigbee

128 MHz Arm Cortex-M33 CPU with
1 MB Flash + 512 KB RAM
64 MHz Arm Cortex-M33 CPU with
256 KB Flash + 64 KB RAM
Bluetooth Low Energy
Bluetooth Direction Finding
Bluetooth mesh
Thread, Zigbee
Advanced security
105 °C extended operating temperature
1.7-5.5 V supply voltage range

Read more [ https://www.nordicsemi.com/Products/Low-power-short-range-wireless/nRF5340 ]

Development tools


nRF Connect for Desktop

nRF Connect for Desktop is a cross-platform framework for development applications. It contains applications for testing Bluetooth Low Energy and LTE links, power optimization, programming and more.

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nRF Connect for Mobile

nRF Connect for Mobile is a powerful generic mobile tool that allows you to scan and explore your Bluetooth Low Energy devices and communicate with them. Also supports DFU and Eddystone.

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nRF Command Line Tools

The nRF Command Line Tools are used for development, programming, and debugging of Nordic Semiconductor's nRF51, nRF52, nRF53 and nRF91 Series devices.

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Measure current

With ease

Power Profiler Kit II

The Power Profiler Kit II is an easy to use tool for measurement and optimization of power consumption for embedded solutions.

Read more [ https://www.nordicsemi.com/Software-and-tools/Development-Tools/Power-Profiler-Kit-2 ]