商品評價 :
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    • 折價券
    • 超取免運-放閃擂台(7/16-7/31)
    • 折價券
    • $499折$50-放閃擂台 (7/16-7/31)
    • 折價券
    • $888折$100-放閃擂台(7/16-7/31)


商品編號:P0487501692598 原始貨號:1000014
$ 200
  • 付款方式:
    超商取貨付款 / 線上刷卡 / 刷卡分期 / ATM 轉帳
  • 運送方式:
    常溫7-ELEVEN店到店取貨付款 / 常溫7-ELEVEN店到店取貨不付款 / 宅配


尺寸:約22.5公分 每把約27支/80G重左右 不丹香廠正品 不丹喇嘛帶來台灣 *不丹頂級藏香之一 ,皇室採用香品品牌 *產自不丹「王地」,不丹最純淨環境,亦有「藥谷」之稱 *喇嘛推薦的好香 味道極佳 材料扎實  *純天然不丹手工藏臥香。 *材料包含喜馬拉雅超過30種不同的稀有草藥 *根據嚴格的佛教傳統的方法在不丹最衛生的環境下生產 *上供下施、舒緩好香 The incense here has been manufactured under the strict Buddhist traditional method and in the most hygienic environment, in the Kingdom o hutan. Bhutan, known as 'Menjong" meaning the valley of medicines in the Buddhist world is situated in the eastern Himalaya. The country is rich in "herbal medicines." The incense which is manufactured strictly according to Buddhist tradition requires over 30 different rare herbal species. The burning of this aromatic incense not only pleases the deities, but also has a soothing effect on human beings. The lingering aroma of incense makes monasteries, homes, offices, and other sacred places smell like the abode of Gods. #不丹 #臥香 #拉望 #拉望臥香